Ian Shaughnessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...ls reports a segmentation fault.  Du does as well, and rm -rf also...

There you go, blaming qmail again! :)

In answer, the problem you describe is (as far as I know) unheard of with
qmail. And qmail does _nothing_ to directories except through the side
effects of open(), link(), unlink() and rename().

> You have all of the information i can give you...

Not quite: What OS, what filesystem, local or NFS? That's all I can think
of...now here's my speculation:

Did some tool create a file with a humongous name? On my Linux box,
all of the programs you mentioned catch the error "ENAMETOOLONG" and
exit with an intelligible message. Are you using NFS? Are two systems
disagreeing about what ``too long'' is?

The number of files should not be a problem--at least not to ls, which
you indicated segfaults.


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