On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 05:26:35PM -0500, Jon Saunders wrote:

> I am a qmail and Linux newbie and could use some help.  I have a new install
> with RH 6.2 and followed the setup instructions in Life with Qmail.
> Everything was working fine until I decided to upgrade  ucspi-tcp from .84
> to .88.  Since I did that, qmail won't start automatically at a reboot.  I
> can execute the startup in /etc/rc/inid.d, it starts fine and works fine.  I
> tried to find it in the logs but couldn't find anything, but I may be
> looking in the wrong log.  Any suggestions where to look would be
> appreciated!

Put a symlink to that script in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d named S99qmail.
> A second question.  I am using qmail-pop3, where do I put the start up
> scripts for it?

Do it just like the previous:  Put the script in /etc/rc.d/init.d and put
a symlink in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d with a similar name.  S99qmail-pop should be


"There is no spoon"
        -- The Matrix

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