qmail Digest 27 Apr 2000 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 984

Topics (messages 40647 through 40671):

Qmail installation on FreeBSD 4 following LWQ didn't work out
        40647 by: Gabriel Ambuehl
        40651 by: Neil Blakey-Milner
        40655 by: Mads E Eilertsen
        40663 by: Neil Blakey-Milner

to get qmail system administrators name in the LOG file
        40648 by: ravivr.hss.hns.com

Re: Can't send via Mail.app on NeXT
        40649 by: Michael Friendly

Q: ETRN + Qmail
        40650 by: Anton Pirnat
        40652 by: Anton Pirnat
        40662 by: Markus Stumpf

QMAIL 1.03 SMTP antispam filter patch
        40653 by: Laura Donovan
        40657 by: Will Harris

qmail inserting from: anonymous
        40654 by: Paul Farber

'anonymous' problem
        40656 by: Peter van Dijk

Re: queue-fix 1.4 won't compile on IRIX6.5.3m
        40658 by: Will Harris

Re: qmail-smtpd logging
        40659 by: Markus Stumpf

        40660 by: Markus Stumpf
        40661 by: Peter van Dijk

Re: How do I enable user nobody to use qmail-inject?
        40664 by: Mikko Hänninen

Re: Internet mail
        40665 by: R.Ilker Gokhan

Re: suse and qmail
        40666 by: Russell Nelson

Re: temporary failure warning message
        40667 by: Aaron L. Meehan

Compilation errors
        40668 by: Isaiah Chua

messages sent to msglog??
        40669 by: Madhav

selective forwarding.
        40670 by: Colin Humphreys

qmail-uce works in vpopmail environment ?
        40671 by: mack.ms1.hinet.net


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I just attempted to install qmail on a FreeBSD 4 box following LWQ
(which did always work for my SuSE Linux boxes). I installed qmail,
daemontools and ucspi-tcp using the respective ports but when I try

root@beta 14:20:58 /etc/init.d # qmail start # (I put it there as I couldn't find 
another init.d dir on FreeBSD) I just
Starting qmail: svscan.
env: root@beta 14:21:02 /etc/init.d # svscan: No such file or directory

(now the system is blocked until I hit ^C). Where has svscan gone? Is
the port perhaps broken (meaning: should I do
make deinstall
and attempt to install the packages manually, ignoring all advice
that FreeBSD people are giving)?

Best regards,

On Wed 2000-04-26 (14:21), Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:
> I just attempted to install qmail on a FreeBSD 4 box following LWQ
> (which did always work for my SuSE Linux boxes). I installed qmail,
> daemontools and ucspi-tcp using the respective ports but when I try
> root@beta 14:20:58 /etc/init.d # qmail start # (I put it there as I couldn't find 
>another init.d dir on FreeBSD) I just
> Starting qmail: svscan.
> env: root@beta 14:21:02 /etc/init.d # svscan: No such file or directory

The FreeBSD daemontools port is at version 0.53 (which doesn't have
svscan).  Because of the changes in program names and so forth, the
previous maintainer got a bit irritated and didn't upgrade it.  I'm
currently responsible for upgrading it.  (if anyone has some wrapper
scripts that emulate the old commands, now is the time to pipe up

> and attempt to install the packages manually, ignoring all advice
> that FreeBSD people are giving)?

If you're unable to wait a day or two, it won't kill you if you install
it manually.  I should get around to upgrading it tomorrow, if not in
the next few hours.

Neil Blakey-Milner
Alpha Geek, Sunesi Clinical Systems

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:

[...]  svscan: No such file or directory

If you install daemontools according to the instructions,
svscan will be in /usr/local/bin, or where you specified it to be (conf-home).

> [...] ignoring all advice
> that FreeBSD people are giving)?

If you installed it as a package svscan might be somewhere else, or,
as in you case, not there at all due to an old version.

DJB has made it easy to grab the latest version and follow
some very simple installation instructions.  I've installed
daemontools a couple of times now, on FreeBSD and other platforms,
and never felt any need for a package.  What are the specific arguments
against doing this on FreeBSD?


On Wed 2000-04-26 (17:35), Mads E Eilertsen wrote:
> I've installed daemontools a couple of times now, on FreeBSD and other
> platforms, and never felt any need for a package.  What are the
> specific arguments against doing this on FreeBSD?

Like on most other platforms - it makes it harder for some people to
manage their installed software.  Some people have grown up always
installing their own stuff, and other have arrived and always used
packages - neither are any more correct.

FreeBSD ports basically contain patches to the original pristeen
distribution file which are necessary to get that software to perform
correctly on FreeBSD - much like you'd have to do manually to port
something.  This doesn't apply to well-behaved applications, like qmail,
but those applications are still in ports, just without patches.  It
just makes it easier for lots of people to install software if you do it
the same way all the time, and all the hard porting work is done for you
already.  With Debian, for example, they have a very powerful package
dependency system, and simple commands to upgrade all installed packages
to the latest version.  Lots of people seem to like it.

So, the argument against it is that you might not be able to manage that
application as easily if you did it yourself.  But only if that applies
to you.

Neil Blakey-Milner
Hacker In Chief, Sunesi Clinical Systems

Dear all,

As we know that the Qmail  delivers  the delivery failure report(ie,bounced
back mail)to the sender thru qmail-send program.
But in the logs I dont get the name of MAILER-DAEMON/SYSTEM-ADMIN , but I
simply get a BLANK name (ie, no from ID).

How can I modify this so that in the logs I should get MY
SYSTEM-ADMINISTRATOR name   instead of  BLANK name.
Can anyone pls suggest regarding this.

Thanks in Advance,


I had an open mail-relay with an older version of sendmail,
and got qmail installed on my system.

Now, I can send mail from pine, but not from Mail.app.  I can't
get any help locally, so I'm hoping someone can help me sort this out.

When I send from Mail.app, I get 
replies from the mailer-daemon like this:

 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at hotspur.psych.yorku.ca.
 I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
 This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

 <Georges Monette  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
 Sorry, I couldn't find any host named mathstat.yorku.ca>. (#5.1.2)

Does this message number give any clue to what is wrong?
I can send email OK via pine, so qmail-send is working, but not
from the NeXT Mail.app GUI mail program, which is so much easier
than pine.

In the Mail.app preferences,  the Mailer is set to

/usr/lib/sendmail   which is symlinked to qmail:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root          23 Apr  6 22:20 /usr/lib/sendmail ->

Can anyone tell me what to try or where to look to figure this out?


Michael Friendly     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NeXTmail OK)
Psychology Dept
York University      Voice: 416 736-5115  Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/friendly.html
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

Hi there,

someone of our customers was asking for ETRN support but i haven´ t
seen anything about it on qmail docs nor other sources. It seems there
are different views about ETRN and its possible dis-/advantages. As
most/lots providers are paid by a time based fee so maybe they have no
reason so save time to their customer. However, the main pro for ETRN
would be for dial-up connections that host its own mail servers on
their side.

I only found a (seems to be) outdated website for »ETRN for qmail
0.1f, 1998« but nothing else.

Anyone who can tell me more or hint me some more URLs/Sources about
ETRN and/or ETRN and qmail? Or there are some reasons not to use ETRN?
Any hints are welcome!


Anton Pirnat

this mesage is shareware, please register!

Geesh.. am i under 10 typos per line now?

It is that late? It seems i am getting older than expected.. dammn 
computers.. :)

Just found some more about »serialmail« on DJB´s site.. It eems to be 
some like ETRN and a bunch more.. Maybe this works, if not i put my 
puters to the trash (hey, i was kidding ;)..

Anton Pirnat

is there any life before breakfast?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Am 26.04.00, 15:21:24, schrieb Anton Pirnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum 
Thema Q: ETRN + Qmail:

> Hi there,

> someone of our customers was asking for ETRN support but i haven´ t
> seen anything about it on qmail docs nor other sources. It seems there
> are different views about ETRN and its possible dis-/advantages. As
> most/lots providers are paid by a time based fee so maybe they have no
> reason so save time to their customer. However, the main pro for ETRN
> would be for dial-up connections that host its own mail servers on
> their side.

> I only found a (seems to be) outdated website for »ETRN for qmail
> 0.1f, 1998« but nothing else.

> Anyone who can tell me more or hint me some more URLs/Sources about
> ETRN and/or ETRN and qmail? Or there are some reasons not to use ETRN?
> Any hints are welcome!

> Regards

> Anton Pirnat

> --
> this mesage is shareware, please register!

> Geesh.. am i under 10 typos per line now?

On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 02:43:47PM +0000, Anton Pirnat wrote:
> Just found some more about »serialmail« on DJB´s site.. It eems to be 
> some like ETRN and a bunch more.. Maybe this works, if not i put my 
> puters to the trash (hey, i was kidding ;)..

Maybe this is of interest to you.
Besides the instructions that come with the serialmail package I use a
slightly different approach.

We don't save the "ETRN" messages associated with an IP but with a
domain name and use the follwing lines as a wrapper for qmail-smtpd:


exec </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1

[ ! -z "$ETRN" ] && {
    ( /var/qmail/bin/sm-etrn $ETRN </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 ) &

In the cdb file for tcpserver we use e.g.,RELAYCLIENT="",ETRN="lagrange.space.net",RELAYCLIENT="",ETRN="lagrange.space.net"
Thus also other IP adresses can trigger delivery for "lagrange.space.net".
This is useful if customers can't trigger the delivery from the host
their mail server is running on.

The sm-etrn script utilizes a file called "RELAYHOST" in the store
directory of the domain to get the name/IP address of the mail exchanger
to use and also uses this file (with flock'ing) to determine whether
there is already a delivery to this host in process.


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | up screaming and you
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | realize you haven't
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  | fallen asleep yet.


I am currently testing out the QMAIL 1.03 SMTP antispam filter patch -
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/5799/qmail-uce.html - and
was wondering if anyone else has tried it or heard anything about it.
Also, the README says to run "patch <qmail-uce/qmail-uce.diff", but when
I do I get the following message:

# patch <qmail-uce/qmail-uce.diff

can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -r -U 3 ../qmail-1.03.orig/Makefile ./Makefile
|--- ../qmail-1.03.orig/Makefile        Mon Jun 15 06:53:16 1998
|+++ ./Makefile Tue May  4 21:44:10 1999
File to patch:

Line 4 of qmail-uce.diff says "@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@". I am running Redhat
6.1 - does anyone know what I need to go to get this to work?



At 15:23 26.4.2000, Laura Donovan wrote:
 >I am currently testing out the QMAIL 1.03 SMTP antispam filter patch -
 >http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/5799/qmail-uce.html - and
 >was wondering if anyone else has tried it or heard anything about it.
 >Also, the README says to run "patch <qmail-uce/qmail-uce.diff", but when
 >I do I get the following message:
 ># patch <qmail-uce/qmail-uce.diff
 >can't find file to patch at input line 4

Make sure you're in the qmail source code directory when you try to apply 
the patch...


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik                        (pgp id)        F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich                        (office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190                            (fax)    +41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich                                 (mobile) +41 76 372 0913
  switzerland                                     www.ifi.unizh.ch/~harris

I have a Formmail script on a web server, and whenever I send a message,
qmail logs it from 'anonymous'.

I grepped the script and there is no anonymous text string.  My guess is
that qmail is inserting it.  Should I set an environment variable to get
rid of it or is there something more sinister going on?

Apr 26 06:14:52 localhost qmail: 956744092.582590 new msg 1860
Apr 26 06:14:52 localhost qmail: 956744092.582794 info msg 1860: bytes 590
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 14266 uid 504
Apr 26 06:14:52 localhost qmail: 956744092.844474 starting delivery 65:
msg 1860 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apr 26 06:14:52 localhost qmail: 956744092.844593 status: local 0/10
remote 1/20
Apr 26 06:14:53 localhost qmail: 956744093.117810 delivery 65:
Apr 26 06:14:53 localhost qmail: 956744093.118837 status: local 0/10
remote 0/20
Apr 26 06:14:53 localhost qmail: 956744093.119128 end msg 1860

Paul Farber
Farber Technology
Ph  570-628-5303
Fax 570-628-5545

Sorry, removed that message by accident.

It is this piece of code that does it:

 mailuser = env_get("QMAILUSER");
 if (!mailuser) mailuser = env_get("MAILUSER");
 if (!mailuser) mailuser = env_get("USER");
 if (!mailuser) mailuser = env_get("LOGNAME");
 if (!mailuser) mailuser = "anonymous";
in qmail-inject.c.

Hope that clears it up.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
|                             Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

At 21:50 24.4.2000, John McCoy, Jr wrote:
 >I've been trying to figure this one out with no luck.
 >When compiling queue-fix it gives the following error:
 >./makelib str.a str_len.o str_diff.o str_diffn.o str_cpy.o \
 >        str_chr.o str_rchr.o str_start.o byte_chr.o byte_rchr.o \
 >        byte_diff.o byte_copy.o byte_cr.o byte_zero.o
 >        ./load queue-fix fifo.o fs.a stralloc.a getln.a open.a error.a \
 >        substdio.a alloc.a str.a
 >ld32: Segmentation fault.  Removing output file...
 >*** Error code 1 (bu21)

Looks to me like you're trying to use the SGI linker to link gcc object 
files.  Make sure you have put gcc into any relevant makefiles or 
configuration files (conf-ld?).  If you use ld (the default) it will simply 
call the system linker, which is the MIPSPro ld32 linker.


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik                        (pgp id)        F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich                        (office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190                            (fax)    +41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich                                 (mobile) +41 76 372 0913
  switzerland                                     www.ifi.unizh.ch/~harris

On Sun, Apr 23, 2000 at 10:00:24PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
> I modified qmail-smtpd to log that error message to stderr.  That told
> me the new network, and I enabled many customers to have a happy Easter.

I have made some more logging-mods to qmail-smtpd than in my patch
that is also reachable via www.qmail.org.
I also find them very useful and sometimes also frithening what crap
other mailserver send.
It is also good in finding broken mailservers that send 2 messages with
stray newlines every second and thus put quite some load on your mailserver.

I can't provide a patch at the moment (still using 1.01, too) but I'll
upgrade to 1.03 RSN and will try to extract a logging patch that I will
publish on my qmail page and announce it in this list.


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | up screaming and you
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | realize you haven't
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  | fallen asleep yet.

On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 07:06:13AM -0700, Glenn Strauss wrote:
> My primary MX is currently on the end of a DSL line with a static IP,
> but when that goes down, I'll have a dynamic IP on the end of a dial-up
> line (so SMTP ETRN is out).

In this case the AutoTURN is no option for you, as with the standard
setup you still need a static IP address.
However, maybe someone wrote a system similar to "SMTP after POP" that
does "SMTP-send after POP".


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | up screaming and you
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | realize you haven't
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  | fallen asleep yet.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 06:45:40PM +0200, Markus Stumpf wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 07:06:13AM -0700, Glenn Strauss wrote:
> > My primary MX is currently on the end of a DSL line with a static IP,
> > but when that goes down, I'll have a dynamic IP on the end of a dial-up
> > line (so SMTP ETRN is out).
> In this case the AutoTURN is no option for you, as with the standard
> setup you still need a static IP address.
> However, maybe someone wrote a system similar to "SMTP after POP" that
> does "SMTP-send after POP".

I have implemented (but not tested yet ;) this as part of my virtual-domain
checkpassword replacement.

It's not opensource (yet), unfortunately.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
|                             Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Geoff Everist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 25 Apr 2000:
> Basically it appears to send mail, but all I get is the dreaded
> qmail-inject: fatal: read error message in my apache error log, and the
> mail disappears into the void. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

I forget the earlier details from you, but obviously the problem is
that QMAILMFTFILE environment variable is getting inherited and pointing
to a wrong user's ~/.lists which can't be read.  You simply need to make
sure that the variable gets undefined (or re-defined to a proper place)
before running qmail-inject, perhaps with the help of a shell wrapper
script or something like that.

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
If you have to run heating in winter, you don't own enough computers.

Title: RE: Internet mail

Thank you again Dave. It works fine. But I have some more question about qmail.
In the following case, if domain name is test.com and QmailA's hostname is deneme.test.com, does username must be @deneme.test.com or does it may be @test.com? if yes how can i set? because when i have sent a mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) from any client that is using QmailA. QmailA is trying to forward to QmailB. However user1 is belong to QmailA.

Sorry my broken English..
Ilker G.

-----Original Message-----
From: R.Ilker Gokhan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 8:20 PM
To: 'Dave Sill'
Subject: RE: Internet mail

Thank you very much for reply... i will try immediately..
see you....
Ilker G.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 8:14 PM
Subject: RE: Internet mail

"R.Ilker Gokhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Help me please!!!!1
I'll try.
>Ok. I am changing my question. I assume I have two Qmail server.
>user name                QmailA hostname     QmailB hostname
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>deneme.test.com---->deneme2.test.com--------> internet
>I want to set if deneme.test.com  receive a request e-mail to internet (for
>example [EMAIL PROTECTED]) it forwards to deneme2.test.com.
>How can I set this configuration?
You have two qmail hosts: deneme.test.com and deneme2.test.com. Users
submit mail to deneme.test.com. If the mail is not for a local
recipient, you want it forwarded to deneme2.test.com?
If that's right, set up deneme.test.com with the usual control files,
then create control/smtproutes with the following:
That says "deliver all remote mail to deneme2.test.com".

Neil Blakey-Milner writes:
 > Are they allowed to package qmail?

Of course.  Anyone is, as long as they obey Dan's conditions.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

Quoting Russell Nelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Chris Hardie writes:
>  > Unfortunately, that link appears to be broken.  Brian Wightman, please
>  > pick up the nearest courtesy phone.
> It's also temporarily available as
> http://www.qmail.org/qmail_bounce-0.0alpha6.tar.gz .  If Brian doesn't 
> show up too soon, I'll change the link to point to my server.

I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a post from Brian some time back
where he stated he was no longer working on the notifier.  He asked
for volunteers to pick up the slack, I think.


hi folks,
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but searching the FAQs didn't produce anything, so I assume it could be new.
I'm trying to compile qMail on our RedHat 6.2 server and have downloaded all the necessary files for qMail to be compiled and take over sendmail.
However, whenever I try to compile either of the modules and qMail itself, I get a rather similar message for all... after typing 'make setup check':
bash# cd qmail*
bash# make setup check
( ( ./compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& cat fork.h2 || cat fork.h1 ) > fork.h
rm -f tryvfork.o tryvfork
./compile qmail-local.c
qmail-local.c: In function `main':
qmail-local.c:448: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
./compile qmail.c
./compile quote.c
./compile now.c
./compile gfrom.c
./compile myctime.c
./compile slurpclose.c
./compile case_diffb.c
./compile case_diffs.c
./compile case_lowerb.c
./compile case_lowers.c
./compile case_starts.c
./makelib case.a case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o \
case_lowers.o case_starts.o
./compile getln.c
./compile getln2.c
./makelib getln.a getln.o getln2.o
./compile subgetopt.c
./compile sgetopt.c
./makelib getopt.a subgetopt.o sgetopt.o
./compile sig_alarm.c
In file included from /usr/include/signal.h:300,
                 from sig_alarm.c:1:
/usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h:28: asm/sigcontext.h: No such file or
make: *** [sig_alarm.o] Error 1
I already have all the GNU C compilers installed on the server.
Anyone has any ideas why?

i use a RH 6.1 and i have installed qmail in one machine using rpms from
and it is working fine. but when i send mails i see a delivery made to
msglog (also i am unable to find where this is stored) i don't want to keep
a copy of the mails sent. so how do i disable it.

thanks in advance

following is the log of a message sent to the user admin from msk.

Apr 27 10:21:49 server1 qmail: 956811109.956421 new msg 1179
Apr 27 10:21:49 server1 qmail: 956811109.959523 info msg 1179: bytes 562
from <m
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 1096 uid 104
Apr 27 10:21:49 server1 qmail: 956811109.966473 starting delivery 10: msg
1179 t
Apr 27 10:21:49 server1 qmail: 956811109.966605 status: local 1/10 remote
Apr 27 10:21:49 server1 qmail: 956811109.966704 starting delivery 11: msg
1179 t
Apr 27 10:21:49 server1 qmail: 956811109.966791 status: local 2/10 remote
Apr 27 10:21:50 server1 qmail: 956811110.005985 delivery 10: success:
Apr 27 10:21:50 server1 qmail: 956811110.008519 status: local 1/10 remote
Apr 27 10:21:50 server1 qmail: 956811110.022083 delivery 11: success:
Apr 27 10:21:50 server1 qmail: 956811110.025899 status: local 0/10 remote
Apr 27 10:21:50 server1 qmail: 956811110.039822 end msg 1179
Apr 27 10:22:59 server1 pop3d: 956811179.747342 tcpserver: status: 1/20
Apr 27 10:22:59 server1 pop3d: 956811179.749922 tcpserver: pid 1101 from
Apr 27 10:22:59 server1 pop3d: 956811179.753880 tcpserver: ok 1101
10 :
Apr 27 10:23:00 server1 pop3d: 956811180.091642 tcpserver: end 1101 status
Apr 27 10:23:00 server1 pop3d: 956811180.093858 tcpserver: status: 0/20


I am currently setting up a qmail email server that will soon become part
of a distributed system of servers. I have a couple of questions about things
I am having trouble with.

The servers are going to be of the form

       and so on

email sent to an address at mydomain.com will be alliased to the correct server


all the seperate servers, server1, server2 and so on will have MX records for
mydomain.com and will have access to a synced aliases file.

How do I get this aliasing file to work?

This system is not yet ready, so at the moment I just want to catch certain
addresses that come through addressed to mydomain.com but let others continue on to the
real mydomain.com. Is this possible?



Hi there,

I am having qmail+vpopmail running on Solaris and am looking for
some ways to let my vpopmail account users to have his/her own
mail filter to reject mails. I saw 'qmail-uce' on the net. It
looks like a good way to try, but I am wondering if it works well
with vpopmail environment. Can qmail-uce (w/maildrop or procmail)
recognize individual user's filter recipe under a vpopmail account's
home directory?
(say, /home/vpopmail/domains/virtual.net/user1/rcptfilter)

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance

Wang-hua Li

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