On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am trying to use Maildir for mail delivery. 
> I created one test user with the /Maildir/ architecture and he receives
> mail allright. if I do a "ls -FR" I see the following:
> so the mails do arrive... But I can't seem to pick them up!!
> Both pine and "mail" work with a single file.. as does POP3
> So when ever i check the mailbox remotely via port 110 it tells me that
> the mailbox is empty.
pine and propably your pop3 deamon are not supporting Maildir mbox formats
- for pine there is a patch at http://www.qmail.org/ [or use another
fine MUA like mutt ] and qmail distribution comes with an Maildir-based 
pop3 deamon [check qmail-popup, qmail-pop3d and checkpassword man pages]
anyway you can always setup qmail to deliver messages to plaintext mbox -
do to this copy /var/qmail/boot/home to /var/qmail/rc 
> I thought I had it configured at one point.. before I killed sendmail for
> good, that Maildir was actually a file, not a directory.
> Also.. Since I have to execute makemaildir for each new user.. is there a
> way that I can "tie" that command with uesradd? i am using redhat 6.1.
afaik leenoox systems also have skel system - try making maildir in
/usr/share/skel directory [works under *BSD]

Tomek Lipski
email: [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] gsm: [ +48 606 787 423 ]
Eclipse ISP http://www.ecl.pl/
Czestochowa Al. NMP 31 tel. 034 3665011

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