
I am the team leader of a commercial product that does a lot of
"outbound" mailing in any given week.  My product currently
uses the sendmail daemon to do this and I need a much more industrial
strength solution.  That's why I am looking at qmail.  We are a
subscription service and we mail users messages based on their
subscription.  Almost all of our users subscriber via our web

I currently get anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 messages mailed
an hour but I have mailing campaigns that have more than 300K
addresses on them.  I am under the impression that I can get an
enormous boost using qmail. My product constructs each
subscriber's mailing from a database of documents based on
their subscription, forks a sendmail process and pipes the mailing
to the sendmail process. The sendmail daemon takes it from there.

I have been reading the information on the qmail web pages and
related pages and I see a lot of information but it seems to relate
to many aspects of mailing that I'm not interested in at the
moment.  I'll admit up front that I am not a UNIX guru so that may
be an extremely naive statement.  I just want to get the mail out much
faster.  My product runs on a UNIX variant that is supported by qmail.

So I'd like to ask a few questions and see if someone can point me
in the right direction.

Q01. Is it true that I can get an enormous increase in the number
         of messages I could mail per hour using qmail?

Q02. Is qmail free? (I will be using it in a "commercial" product).

Q03. Does my environment sound like a "simple" use of qmail or
        is there hidden aspects I'm not aware of?

I do process  returned mail today and separate it into different
which I eventually use to clean up the email addresses in our database.

Q04. Can I keep the portion of the product that processes returned mail
        the same (i.e. using sendmail) and still use qmail to do the

I hope I'm using this mailing list correctly.  If I'm not please let
me know and also, if possible, let me know where I can
go to get the information I need.



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