On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 07:19:29PM +0800, Martin Dougiamas wrote:

> So, I would love to have a solution that:
>    - collects the whole message
>    - sends a bounce to sender (as rblsmtpd is already doing)
>    - adds an X-junkmail header to the rejected messages
>    - forwards this modified mail to the original recipients
> so that I can SEE what is being rejected for a while.

I don't think what you want to do is possible with rblsmtpd, but you can
certainly do the last 2 things with my X-Spam-Warning patch, linked off


You could run this for a while and check how many false positives you
receive and then decide what lists to bounce on.

I don't see how you can generate a proper bounce message in the SMTP
conversation *and* receive the mail.


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