I have a suggestion for you. But first, I think that you should look at the 
real implications of the request, that is if this starts for one employee 
you can be sure there will be others.

Try a second installation of qmail on another box with the relaying turned 
off, allow it to route to its network only so that this way it will still 
be internal to the network. point the user to that box from whatever access 
program they use and set them up as a forward on your mainbox. Not pretty 
but it should work. Until  they just get someone else to send it for them.


-----Original Message-----
From:   Tim Hunter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 03, 2000 3:34 PM
Subject:        local delivery for 1 user only

I find it amazing what corp enviroments ask IT to do instead of confronting
a user on specific issues, but I was told to look into it.
I have a particular user who is abusing the mail system with improper
mailings to friends.  We use email internally for everyone as a wonderful
means of contact and do not want to completely take away access.
Is there a way to restrict mail for one user to only have access to 
mail (that is only cimx.com can receive or send mail to this user?)  I am
thinking that receiving I can hack something together with a .qmail file 
anyone has any simple ideas or solutions, my shell scripting is at best
poor) but I have no idea if it is even possible to stop outgoing mails
without compromising system integrity.

If its more pain then its worth tell me, I would much rather tell them to
deal with things without moving behind someone's back with technology.

SysAdmin -- CIMx

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