I am not the system administrator for qmail or Cyrus and am a newbie to
qmail so bear with any incorrect statements.
I tried to look up the FAQs for qmail but did not find anything specific to
this problem.

We have been seeing a strange problem with mail not being delivered to the

We have qmail (release 1.03) mail transfer agent running on a linux box.

Mail is delivered to Cyrus (IMAP v1.5.14) using the following command

|preline -f /usr/cyrus/bin/deliver -a sb -e sb 

We have an application that listens to the mailboxes on the Cyrus server
using the javamail API. We have situations where more than one application
program may be listening to the same mailbox at the same time.
We run into a situation about once in every two days or so where mail does
not get delivered to the mailboxes. The qmail logs don't give any error
messages. We see that qmail is trying to deliver messages but there is no
notification of successfuly delivery. The imap server is fine though because
we can still process existing emails. Only new messages encounter this. At
this point, our system administrators just give up and reboot both qmail and
Cyrus. Once the servers are rebooted, all the messages appear correctly in
the mailbox (even the new ones that seemed to be hung somewhere). Has
anybody faced this problem before? Any ideas as to what might be going on?
Is it possible that multiple clients accessing the same mailbox is somehow
causing this problem?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Ashish P. Narvekar

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