Dave Sill wrote:
> >If there are two headers, how does a mail server
> >(say running in a remote place in an intranet) identify to whom
> >it is sent to ?
> >Or is it "legal" to have more than one delivered-to header ?
> There can be as many Delivered-To fields as necessary. What's
> "illegal" is two identical Delivered-To fields, which means a message
> is looping.
> -Dave

But only one delivered-to is generated if i use vpopmail !
If i create an alias .qmail-alias by myself from the command line
i have this two deliv.to header problem ?
In my case, there is only one message to a single recipient.
But the Delivered header shows - one to recipient and other 
delivered-to to list address !!

Otherwise, is it possible to config. qmail so that only one 
delivered-to (that of final recipient) is generated ?
I have seen so many headers of the mails generated by qmail
from different providers and i don't see two delivered-to headers there

I am confused now.

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