At 9:33 PM -0400 5/4/00, Bennett Samowich wrote:
>I am relatively new to qmail, so forgive me if this is too simple...
>With all of the current goings on about the "luv bug", I have a 
>question concerning qmail and filtering.  My customer base uses 
>sendmail primarily, while I have been experimenting with qmail at my 
>site.  With the sendmail sites I was able to implement a 
>configuration "hack" to stop initial instances of the message.  I 
>was also able to implement a global procmail filter to accomplish 
>the same thing.
>My question is this:
>Does qmail have the ability to implement global filters.  I know 
>that I can put procmail lines in each users .qmail file, but that 
>seems like alot of work.

IIRC, the default delivery instruction in /var/qmail/rc can be a pipe 
to a program.  So you can qmail-start "| preline /path/to/procmail" 
and have mail by default run through procmail.  Of course, you still 
have a .qmail problem: any user with a .qmail will override the 
default instruction.  "man qmail-command" gives you some details.

>Thanks in advance,
>- Bennett

Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693

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