On Thu, 4 May 2000, Jon Rust wrote:

> At 2:43 AM +0200 5/5/00, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> >So much for security, eh?
> >
> Hrmf. You have apoint there. :-/ Guess I should think before typing. 
> Of course, by limiting the range of IPs allowed to trigger the 
> download, you could decrease the exposure, but it would be far from 
> perfect.
> (crawling back into lurk mode)
> jon

Exchange servers can be made to run an arbitrary program upon completing
the initiation of the dialup connection. Give them program which initiates
a pop3 or spop3 connection, authenticates itself at the server, then
quits. And there is a wrapper for this behaviour on www.qmail.org.

ssh can also be made to do this, but that would need a system account on
the mailserver for each such user. Albeit their shell can be the script

Robert Varga

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