Kai MacTane wrote:
> At 5/5/2000 11:54 AM -0600, ANTIGEN_HOUSTON wrote or quoted:
> >Antigen for Exchange found LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs matching
> >=love-letter-for-you.txt.vbs file filter.
> >The file is currently Detected.  The message, "Re: hack for filtering "i
> >love you" worm", was sent from Kai MacTane  and was discovered in IMC
> >Queues\Inbound located at Matchlogic/MATCHLOGIC/HOUSTON.
> Hmmm. Looks like someone's already filtering on just the string I sent out.
> I wonder if they're filtering all .vbs files?

Our exchange admin is.

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

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