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Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 16:19:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Which version of Qmail to use?

Sorry if this is a double post.. but my first message hasn't come through
for 20 minutes.  Don't know if the mail server is slow, or something went
wrong on my end.. but here it is again:

After 4 days of not being able to get Qmail working properly for me, I've
decided to completely wipe *every* trace of sendmail and *every* trace of
qmail on my system (Mandrake 7.02).. then install Qmail from scratch all
over again using "life with Qmail" suggestions.

I've noticed there is a version of Qmail called
var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686 and another version just called
qmail-1.03.tar.gz  Which one do I use for Mandrake 7.02?  I was able to
get the var-qmail one to work only halfway (Can send but not receive), and
when I tried installing the regular qmail, I couldn't send OR receive.

After I wipe every trace of qmail and sendmail from my system, which
version will be the best for me to use?


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