Tony Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Best to use the source and compile qmail yourself. 
> get the qmail-1.03.tar.gz 

On a Debian GNU/Linux system it can be painful to install from source
because of constraints imposed by the package management system dpkg.
Dpkg wants a mail transport agent defined (by default our friend
sendmail, of course). Lots of packages depend on the mail transport

In my case I found that an install of qmail from the source tarball
caused additional pain, since the Debian Gods have decided that it is
a great idea to enforce the qmail user IDs one must use:

  qmaild:x:64011:65534:qmail daemon,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmails:x:64012:64010:qmail send,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmailr:x:64013:64010:qmail remote,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmailq:x:64014:64010:qmail queue,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmaill:x:64015:65534:qmail log,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmailp:x:64016:65534:qmail pw,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false

I had created the IDs via the instructions in INSTALL.ids. Of course
they were different. No other set of ids works with the package one
gets. I only got the "debianized" qmail package install to work after
I wiped all traces of the vanilla install from my system and ran the
install script via 'dselect'. It does work, but one must let it do


"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
   - Voltaire

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