Ben Beuchler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How do you do it? You write and maintain a massive quantity of qmail
>documentation.  You seem to post more responses to more questions on the
>list than is humanly possible!  Many of the questions are rather inane,
>and yet the closest thing I've seen to an explosion is your recent
>humorous 'unsubscribe' post...  Despite the relatively frequent abrasive
>I'm assuming you have a real life...  

Well, LWQ was a *lot* of work when I was actively writing it, but it
takes a lot less to keep it maintained--although it deserves more
attention than it gets, and there's lots of stuff I'd add to it if I
had the time.

I have a procmail script that answers most of the easy list
questions. :-)

I'm a pretty laid-back person, and I've been in customer service long
enough to deal effectively with inanity. I might think "AARRGGHH!!
RTF{M|FAQ|LWQ} you dolt!", but that rarely ends up in the response.

I have a full "real life", which is why I don't always respond quickly 
to list questions.


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