On Sun, 14 May 2000, Mark Lo wrote:

> Hi,
>      I would like to know how to disable telnet to port 110, but still
> let my user to retrive mail via mail client at port 110??  (using
> tcpserver)

with great difficulty i'm afraid.  users will always be able to write
their own program to cummunicate on port 110.  even if u where to delete
telnet they could just download a another copy.
is their a good reason for doing this?

if u're users are not very "knowlegeable" then u could get the telnet
source code and stick in a line on code somewhere to check that the port
parameter is not 110, if it is then just print something like
"telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused".
this could prove confusing to your users!
they could still use many other program such as nc.

> Thank You
> Mark

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