> > And I'll take that as a compliment to qmail.  Here, in Vermont, I
> > have seen people frame houses with a chainsaw.  Real Fast. Efficient
> > in the hands of an expert, dangerous in the hands of a novice.
>do you mean they made pieces of wood the right size with a chainsaw?  thats
>how i (i'm german) understand the term "people frame houses".  what kind of
>houses do they build, and how long does this take and what does it cost?
>do people just move to vermont to live there and get their housing that

Yes, I mean cutting 2x4's and 2x6's, and plywood. etc, to within a 
1/16 (+/- 2mm for metric) with a chainsaw.  I have done a bit of it 
myself, but I prefer a hand saw for the tight stuff.

People move here for all kinds of reasons....many are leftists or 
homosexuals, but many are also survivalists and libertarians....I 
don't know how it translates to German, but in colloquial English... 
"I'm a Vermonta, I do what I wanta"

Vermont is the only place in North America where you can carry a 
loaded, concealed firearm with no permit....it is also the only place 
that homosexuals can marry (as of two weeks ago)... it is also the 
only place you can get a non-photo drivers' license...

> > PS.  Not that I am trying to be arrogant....I did perhaps 80-100
> > re-installs of linux/qmail/apache/etc on my server (because I was
> > trying to automate it with a script) before I got it right and knew
> > what I was doing, and I sawed off my root a lot.
>hope it's back on, your root.

call me qmail Bobbit...


PS. I know this is *way* off topic but I can't resist a flame...

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