I have been scanning the list archives for hours, trying to figure out how I
can accomplish this:

I have a qmail server up and running perfectly, doing selective relaying for
our internal network only.  I would like to further limit this for selected
users, if possible.  My ultimate goal is to have two classes of users, one
class which can use qmail for both "external" and "internal" mail, and
another class which is limited to "internal" mail only.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but it appears that my choices are:

1) selectively relay based upon IP address
2) control relaying by envelope sender (using the "relaymailfrom" patch)

Is it possible to combine the two?  For example, can I allow relaying from
my own network only with (1), and also use the "relaymailfrom" patch to
restrict this _further_ to messages with a certain envelope sender?

I know that (2) is closer to what I am trying to do, but it seems to add to
those allowed to relay, not to further restrict it.  Also, I know that it is
easy for a user to forge the envelope sender, but I am not worried about
that (as long as I can still be assured it is coming from our local

Please tell me if I am overlooking something obvious

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