On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 08:56:28AM +0200, Magnus Bodin wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 07:59:24PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> > 
> > Secondly what does that (#4.4.1) mean?  I can't find any paragraph
> > number 4.4.1 in the documentation.
> It's defined in RFC 1839  <http://rfc1839.x42.com/>
>     4.X.X   Persistent Transient Failure
>        A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as
>        sent is valid, but some temporary event prevents the successful
>        sending of the message.  Sending in the future may be successful.
>     X.4.X   Network and Routing Status
>        The networking or routing codes report status about the
>        delivery system itself.  These system components include any
>        necessary infrastructure such as directory and routing
>        services.  Network issues are assumed to be under the
>        control of the destination or intermediate system
>        administrator.
>     X.4.1   No answer from host
>        The outbound connection attempt was not answered, either
>        because the remote system was busy, or otherwise unable to
>        take a call.  This is useful only as a persistent transient
>        error.
So my guess that it's because the destination system is behind a
firewall is probably correct.  I think I need to get my MUA/MTA set up
right.  It's not *my* machine name that's getting on the front of the
correct domain name though, it's the mail hub's domain name.

I.e. my correct address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  My machine within
the firewall is borg so, locally, I'm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
However qmail on my home machine was trying to bounce mail back to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as emerald is the mail host.  I think I need
to get the system administration people here to sort that out.

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