
At 01:01 10.04.2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Pablo Martínez Schroder writes:
> > I have some domains hosting in a computer, and I'm starting to apply
> > bandwith management over them, so I have each domain hosted in an IP.
> > With this I can control FTP and HTTP traffic, but I cannot manage the
> > SMTP traffic because mail is throwed from the "primary IP" of the
> > interface.
> > 
> > I think it's nearly impossible to send mails from an IP matching the
> > domain's IP, but is there any way?
>It could be done, by binding to an interface matching the domain name
>of the envelope sender of the mail.  However, qmail-remote doesn't do

I've taken input from the patches "local-bind" (by Chuck Foster) and
"relayfrom" (by Chris Johnson) and generated a "bindlocal" patch to bind
specific IP on outgoing SMTP traffic relating to sender's domain.

Here unofficial patches against the source from 

located in 

Also containing:
        XTND-XMIT patch (original on qmail-page looks like a litte bit old)
        virtual-greeting for the incoming SMTP (displays relating name instead of
basic hostname)

Hope this helps,

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