
We are a small ISP with two Points of Prescence (POP), this POP are
connected via DS0 with a 64K bandwidth, when clients in this POP try to
check the e-mail they get the following error:

El servidor finalizó inesperadamente la conexión. Puede que haya un problema
en el servidor, un problema de red o que haya estado inactivo un periodo
largo. Cuenta: 'mail.ml.com.mx', Servidor: 'mail.ml.com.mx', Protocolo:
POP3, Puerto: 110, Seguridad (SSL): No, Número de error: 0x800CCC0F

I hope you recognize the error, I had seen it when the server stoped working
(when i was running Exchange Server), but in this case the server works fine
in the main office.

Any ideas....


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