On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 01:02:40PM -0400, Peter Green wrote:
> control/virtualdomains lists ``ais.cx:ais.cx'' and users/assign lists
> ``+ais.cx-:ais.cx:503:503:/usr/local/vpopmail/domains/ais.cx:-::''. I take
> this to mean that if no .qmail-<user> file exists, it will try to deliver to
> /usr/local/vpopmail/domains/ais.cx/<user>/Maildir/ (as per my default
> delivery of ./Maildir/).

No.  -> man qmail-users  and  man qmail-send

The "user" is "ais.cx" other than that qmail-local knows nothing about
users in this case.
"+ais.cx-" is a wildcard match that tells qmail how to treat "users"
starting with the string
This user is defined via virtualdomains.
This tells qmail that all email addressed to
(this does NOT include e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) is under control of the
user "ais.cx" and this user is defined via the users mechanism.

> Well, I think I've solved it, at least temporarily. If I use vdelivermail
> *everywhere* (including for remote addresses) it works. I now have:
>   .qmail-u1:
>     | /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   .qmail-default:
>     | /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     | /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' u2
>     | /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' u3
>   .qmail-info (symlink to .qmail-default)
> It only delivers mail once per recipient.

If you have properly set up real users u2, u3 on that machine it would
also work putting
in .qmail-default and you could also use a different file for
.qmail-info. This is due to the fact that on unqualified addresses
(and &u2 is one) qmail/control/me will be appended and therefor it will 
be delivered locally to the user  u2@<me>
This will NOT work if you put &[EMAIL PROTECTED] there, unless there exists
a proper .qmail-u2 in the virtdomain directory.


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