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On 6 Jun 00, at 11:56, OK 2 NET - André Paulsberg wrote:

> This seems like a weak excuse, all your interfaces should have
> matching RDNS to their main A records and it's sufficient to set this
> up once!

Who shall fill in control/locals, should the reverse (outside my
control) change?

> > I still fail to see "domain must be any RDNS for your computer you
> > can think of".
> If your mailservers hostname is mail.antek.cz then mail.antek.cz is
> also an domain, then [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an required RFC 822
> postmaster address.

Yes; but the machine has also an interface antek.vol.cz (outside
my control). This interface is never shown in DNS as MX, but still
it's an _outgoing_ interface for world-bound mail. Should I have this
interface in control/locals? Not at all - anyone using it is just doing
that by mistake.

> >> There are surely more ways to get mail to these admins /
> >> postmasters, but telnet to port 25 and manually dropping a "rcpt
> >> to: <postmaster>" is far to much to ask from a normal person trying
> >> to contact a postmaster.
> >
> > ORBS tester (notifier) is far from being "normal person". After all,
> > a normal person wouldn't know how to set up and run such a service.
> > Or doesn't ORBS know either?
> They postmaster described in RFC822 is for all user, not ORBS only.
> ORBS only have the IP address of the mailserver,
> as per RFC822 postmaster@RDNS/IP should be enough.

Perhaps this shows the beef some people have with ORBS. "Four
legs goos, two legs bad."

It would be trivial for you to change the way you notify the
postmaster. It would actually _help_ the administrators of the
misconfigured sites. But no, due to some religious belief you just
list them and not tell them.

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