Hi All!

Okay, here's a chance for all of you guys that run huge sites 
to brag a little.  I run several smallish qmail installations 
and am trying to convince a couple of larger MS-Centric ISPs 
(that get ALOT of spam) to let me switch them over to qmail - 
and increase my cash-flow in the process of course.  :)

And I need a favor...

What I'm looking for are not really benchmarks; I realize the 
futility of accurately benchmarking an MTA.  But if I could 
get a rough idea of how much volume a real-world qmail system 
can handle on a given set of hardware, it would go a long way 
toward making my case for qmail.  

So, if you're so inclined, could you send me a message with 
your basic setup (like CPU/Speed,RAM,OS,HDs,connection in/out), 
approx. number of users, approx. volume of mail, and a rough 
idea of how well the machine(s) are handling the volume, etc... 

It's probably a good idea to refrain from cluttering up the 
list with this kind of traffic, so you should send them 
directly to me - if there's any demand for the data I can 
post a synopsis to the list for all to enjoy.

Thanks very much in advance, 

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