On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 05:25:39PM +0800, Michael Boman wrote:
> I remeber that one part of Dan's DNS software can reply different IP's
> depending on where you are comming from.. could someone please remind me
> what part of the DNS software that is?

Hi Michael,

That sounds like pickdns: http://cr.yp.to/dnscache/pickdns.html


James Raftery (JBR54)  -  Programmer Hostmaster  -  IE TLD Hostmaster
   IE Domain Registry  -  www.domainregistry.ie  -  (+353 1) 706 2375
  "Managing 4000 customer domains with BIND has been a lot like
   herding cats." - Mike Batchelor, on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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