OK.. i have a mail server
running qmail 1.03 vpopmail qmailadmin and sqwebmail
this 1 user had some problems with his account on a virtualdomain.
when i created it i set is up as a forward. to forward this mail.
i also already had about 12 other forwards setup on this virtualdomain.
those all work fine but this one user does not. i recreated it over and over (yes the correct
.qmail files are being made by qmailadmin in the virtual-domain dir) and if i send e-mail
to this address it vanishes (no errors in maillog) but all the other foewards work great
i added another forward to test it with a different account name and it works..
so then i said screw it and made it a POP account on this virtualdomian
same thing.. all outide mail vanishes.. all internal mail works.. yet a new different
pop account works fine 100% so its this one prefix "user"@domain.com
that seems to be throwing the external mail away.. can anyone help me get this figured out?
i dont understand what is happening.. its like there is something hiding somewhere
saying "delete all e-mail to ever be delivered to this address" i doubt that is the case.
thanks alot

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