I am new to this list having just about set up qmail on a home network
linux server for the first time.  I spent hours over a number of days
pouring through the documentation and the qmail.org web site looking
for help - and whilst I think I now have a picture NOWHERE could I
find a summary of what all the control files did and in what order so
that I could actually get qmail do what I wanted it to. There were
plenty of simple guides if you wanted to set it up one particular way,
but none of them were quite how I wanted it.

Eventually, in order to understand I drew a flow chart, see below, to
try and help my understand the process.  Somewhat nervously I post it
here (nervous because netiquette normally dictates that you lurk for
while - I just was so desparate for this info that I felt it was worth
the risk of making a complete plonker of myself) for two purposes.

1)  To get verification that what I have summised is correct, AND
2)  If we can get it correct to plead for someone to put it in a
prominent place (like off www.qmail.org ) so that newcomers who come
after me have a model to work with.

           'me' can be used as default for a number of files
           do a 'man qmail-control' to get a list

user = login account on system
mail is being sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and can enter in two ways

qmail-inject                                   qmail-smtpd 
     |                                      (use smtpgreeting)
     |                                              |
"from"[EMAIL PROTECTED]      is RELAYCLIENT defined?-Y-+
  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    |                |
     |                                              N                |
     |                                              |                |
     |                   REJECT MAIL------N-is y.z in 'rcpthosts'    |
     |                                              |                |
     |                                              Y                |
     |                                              |                |
     |                                              V                |
                     set "deliverto" = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |                          |
     |                          V
     |                      qmail-queue
     |                          |
     |                          |
     |                      qmail-send
     |                          |
     |             if "from" has no @ use 'envnoathost'
     |                          |
     |                   is y.z in 'locals'-Y-----------------+
     |                          |                             |
     |                          N                  set "account" = x
     |                          |                             |
     |            is any of [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 'virtualdomains'         |
     |                |                      |                |
     |                N                      Y                |
     |                |                      |                |
     |           qmail-rspawn    lookup "account" (see below) |
     |                |              add -x to end of         |
     |           qmail-remote               "account"         |
     |                |                      |                |
     |       is y.z in 'smtproute'           +--------------->|
     |        |                 |                             |
     |        N                 Y                         qmail-lspawn
     |        |                 |                             |
     |   lookup MX for y.z      |                             |
     |     and send    lookup route                           |
     |                        and send            is any of "account"
     |                                      +-----N-in 'users/assign'
     |                                      |                 |
     |                              set "user" =              Y
     |                part of "account" before '-'            |
     |                                      |            lookup "user"
     |                                      |                 |
     |                                      |<----------------+
     |                                      |
     |                            is "user" qmailable (not root etc)
     |                               |                        |
     |                               N                        Y
     |                               |                        |
     |                          set "user" = alias            |
     |                               |                        |
     |                               |<-----------------------+
     |                               |
     |                          qmail-local (run as "user")
     |                               |
     |                      is there an appropriate
     |              .qmail file (based on "account" without "user")
     |                |                                                                
     |                Y                                 N
     |                |                                 |
     |                |         bounce<-----N-is "account" = "user"
     |                |                                 |
     |                |                                 Y
     |                |                                 |
     |              empty file?-Y---------------------->|
     |                   |                              |
     |          for each line in file            write message to
     |          |                 |            default Maildir/Mbox
     |   starts with &      starts with .
     |   or letter           or /
     |          |                 |
     |  set "deliverto"      store in Maildir/Mbox
     |     line in file
     |          |

NOTE: when looking up virtual domains then the Right Hand Side (after
the :)is prepended to the recipeint address.  NOTE if this is blank
the line is treated as though it is not matched in 'virtualdomains' at
all as is passed on to qmail-rspawn even though it might also be
matched by another line

NOTE: 'users/assign' must have a . on the last line AND you must run
qmail-newu whenever it is changed for the change to be noticed (ie it
is not sufficient to restart qmail.

NOTE: you must restart qmail whenever one of 'control files' are

look forward to comments

(and I am not yet using qmail to send this!)



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