"Vladimir Horak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I have problem with virtual domain. It seems to me that virtual domain must
>not be subdomain of any domain from locals. Is it true?


>  I had this configuration:
>It works fine. But I want to make virtualdomain c.mydomain.cz. I add this
>domain to virtualdomains:
>When I send mail from localhost to [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail send it to
>When I send mail from any other host, qmail send it to any@my-server-name.
>And when I try to send mail from the same host using "telnet my-server-name
>25" and simple SMTP commands, qmail send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (it is
>Can you help me, please? Qmail is 1.03, no patches.

Compare the log entries for the two cases.


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