Check this out:


Harris Corp.'s Web site disappeared from the Internet Monday and Tuesday,
after an apparent hacker attack rerouted visitors to an unrelated site that
was still under construction. 
Baker said the problem started when an unknown person e-mailed Network
Solutions Inc., which maintains a directory for Internet addresses,
instructing the Herndon, Va.-based company to reroute all traffic from the <> domain to a site maintained by, another Internet domain registration company. 

Apparently in this day and age, sending e-mail is considered hacking!  I
must be an old-sk00l hax0r th3n, since I started sending e-mail sometime
around 1991 through my 3133t WW1V BBS.

I advise that all list members block port 25 until these malicious hackers
can be brought to justice.  Turn off sendmail, qmail, postfix, or whatever
you run, don't allow services that hax0rs can exploit.

Oh, look!  I just hacked the qmail list, by sending e-mail to it!


Chad Day
Beach Associates

When I speak german... I think german in my head... but like...Do skript
kiddies see a w40l3 8uncha 1's and 0's and 3's and 4's and 7's in their
h34d'5 w43n t43y R +a1k1n6 ? -- SirStanley

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