Hi all,
        I'm new to qmail but I did try to look through the
faq's and search the archives for this.  I'm going to be using
qmail on a web server that I'll be doing virtual hosting from.
What I'm wondering is if there's a way to allow the individuals
who have accounts on the server to control email addresses
for their virtual domains using an aliases file?  The reason
I'm wondering is because I don't think there's a way to get
virtual domain emails to go into a Maildir without it?

For example, I can set virtualdomains so all email for the domain
"Joe" purchased goes to his account for him to manage:
And then he can make as many .qmail-username files as he
wants to, to define people getting email forwarding service
from his domain.  But for real mail service, aka pop and imap,
I don't think there's a way to define that the mail go to a local
user's maildir by that point, is there?  It would need to be
taken care of at a higher level, like my catching it from the
assign file and prefixing it differently?

With aliases though, if this user could have an aliases file in
his home directory, he could just define:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:       local-user2
@domain.com:            joe

As long as I set up a way for the users to create pop accounts,
then there would not be any intervention necessary on my
part.  'newaliases' seems to only work against an /etc/alisases.
I was hoping I could have everyone build their own aliases
file and then just put an unwritable .qmail-default in their
home directory that points fastforward to the aliases file in
their home directory, but newaliases doesn't want to build that

Thanks for any help on this,


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