Hello all,

I seareched the mailing list archinves and documentation, and couldn't
figure out what was going wrong here.  I hope this isn't a silly question
that people hae asked before; if I've missed something obvious, you have
my sincerest apologies in advance.

I recently installed qmail on my home machine.  All seemed to go well, but
when when I try to inc my mail from /var/spool/mail, it thinks for a long
time, and then returns this error message:

[cme@panzer ~]$ inc
inc: unable to lock and fopen /var/spool/mail/cme

Interestingly enough, it only does this when I actually have mail- when I
don't, it jsut says "No mail for cme".

And the plot thickens... I can inc mail if I'm logged in remotely, but not
if I'm logged in locally.  It doesn't matter if I'm on X or a tty.  But I
can  ssh to localhost and have it work.  When I try mail as a starndard
for comparison, it works merrily no matter how I'm logged in.

I'm running a Red Hat 6.2 box with nmh 1.0 and qmail 1.03.

Thank you,
Courtney Eckhardt

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