Hey Raj,
        how do you do the forwarding to the internal mail
server?  Do you have a virtualdomains entry set up for
indsoft.co.in?  If so, let's pretend that you have an
entry like this:


And then maybe in username's directory, you have a .qmail*
of some type that handles the forwarding to the internal
mail server.  I think you could create a rule in your
/.../qmail/users/assign file that says something like
where the 'blockall', uid, and gid, are an actual user
account on your front-end computer.  In blockall's
directory, you put a .qmail & .qmail-default that has
your email address, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think if you did that, the rule would catch any incoming
[EMAIL PROTECTED] emails and forward them to you instead
of to the internal mail server.


-----Original Message-----
From: RajKumar S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 5:22 AM
Subject: blocking aliases

hello all,

I have qmail server as my external server which receives my external mail
and fwds it to my internal (in the local network) sendmail which
distributes to the users who are in the private local network.

i have setup some aliases in the internal server like [EMAIL PROTECTED]
which when activated will send the mail to all the users. obviously i have
not activated it till i find a way to disable all external mails to the
aliased accounts.

ie i do not want any one outside to mail to the aliased mails address. 

any help will be much appreciated.


PS: if you mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] now the mail will be accepted but it
will go to the inbox of the user all which is not used.

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