At 18:42 01/07/00 +0200, Steffan Hoeke wrote:
>On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 12:12:26PM +0100, Lou Hevly wrote:

>> Sorry to ask so basic a question, but after installing qmail successfully
>> following LWQ, I'm unable to find my log file. `ps` shows that multilog is >> being 

>"All of qmail-send's activity is logged in /var/log/qmail/current"

Yes indeed. Thank you very much.

Still, the excellent LWQ *does* say:

"The log directory is specified on the multilog command line, so you
can find it by examining your qmail startup script."

Unless I'm misinterpreting the meaning of 'log directory',
/var/log/qmail/ isn't mentioned anywhere in the startup script
suggested in LWQ. And because many questions are asked on this
list by those who haven't bothered to check their log files,
might I, humble beginner though I be, suggest that LWQ be emended
with Steffan Hoeke's answer to me (quoted above)?

All the best (Adéu-siau),
Lou Hevly

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