Steffan Hoeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 11:41:16AM -0400, Sill, Dave wrote:
>> Steffan Hoeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >What *does* the last number in 
>> >@40000000395b7d5233ba0ecc delivery 123: success: did_1+0+0/
>> >stand for ?
>> >
>> >The first number is a local delivery
>> >The second number is a remote delivery
>> >The third number is ...... ?
>> program deliveries
>Could you please elaborate ?
>by program do you mean a |preline e.a. in a .qmail file or something
>else ?

Yeah, .qmail lines starting with a "|".

Actually, the first number is *file* deliveries (mbox or maildir) and
the second number is *forward* deliveries (lines starting with "&" or
[a-zA-z0-9]), which coule be either local or remote.


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