On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 09:59:51AM -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> > As I see it, qmail-inject does not like quoted-strings in local-part on the
> > command line. 
> No, it treats the addresses on the command lines as raw addresses. If there
> are quotes in the raw address (and almost certainly there won't be), then
> they would be included on the command line.
> The address you are want to send to doesn't have double quotes in it.
> They are just used for encoding the address for the smtp transaction.

OK. It's just that I can't really find the guilty part. 
When using a perl wrapper with mutt, mutt sends 

-f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- "address with spaces"@x42.com

on the command line to the mail queuer. 

Doing this manually works. But letting mutt do it directly to qmail-inject
fails by queuing three different addresses, "address@<defaulthost>,
with@<defaulthost> and spaces"@x42.com.

Sorry for bothering you with my blabbering. 


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