Thats nice except that IT DOES NOT WORK.  I have patiently waited three
weeks now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Jarc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: want to leave

Jason L. Skoland writes:
> I want off of this  D*MN List but it won't let me unsubscribe. can someone
> tell me how.. Thanks

It's explained in the message you get when you first subscribe: send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To unsubscribe a
particular address (not necessarily the one you're sending from), send
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], where user@host is the
address you want unsubscribed.  To see what address you used to
subscribe, look at the Return-Path: in the header of this message.
It'll look like [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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