On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, John van V. wrote:

> That would require SSL.  I want the same thing.
> You would have to build a cgi, going thru ssl, calling passwd.
> The only way I can think of doing that is w/ expect.
> Keep in mind... the script would have to be SUID.
> This is a very big issue.  So much so that I could easily see abandoning Unix
> style authentication for something available thru the various security
> toolkits.
> Radical, I know, but I am just that kind of person :)
> > 
> >      I would like to know how to change user's password via the web, as
> > I know, (qmail) mail userl's password is corresponding to Redhat linux
> > user's password.  Please give me any idea of how to let my user change
> > password via the web.  And the web server and qmail server is located at
> > different machine.
> > 
> > Thank You so much for your help

It would be fairly trivial to roll your own app to do it and run it 
thru tcpserver and stunnel.  How you actually do it depends on the
OS.  In FreeBSD you can use pw, and if you want to be really slick
about it you can even use it to disable an account.

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.pop4.net
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