can any one has agot this error ?  i am shaking my heads from last 
two days  ,i have installed qmail 1-03 with qmail-ldap-20000601 patch 
on test system and it has worked fine for us  ,

 but when i installed in on real production system  its giving this error 
, i dont know what  is error , 

  the only difference between  these installation (test and on production
system )    is i have enable -DCLEARTEXTPASSWD  flag while i have installed
 qmail-ldap on test system  and on production system  
i have not enabled  

  i need to know the compilation flags that has to be turned on  to make
qmail work with  openldap's (Default installation )
bcoz as far as i know openldap by default  uses  encrypted  password 

 i have compiled qmail BY TURNING OFF  -DCLEARTEXTPASSWD

 what i have to write in my "inetd.conf" to make qmail-smtpd run under
inetd.conf  , i have gone through  the docs  but thats not working for me  

smtp  stream nowait qmaild  /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env   \
tcp-env   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd   

  what is the significance of    tcp-env   and "\"  symbol
i dont know much about it and have faced lot of problems  related with "\"
in inetd.conf   in past while installing qmail-pop3d under inetd.conf on my
test system 

 please help me ASAP

 Prashant Desai 

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