"Hitesh Thakkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>1. I have IBM's WEBSPHERE with EJB and servelts in JAVA applets developed in
>JDK 1.1.6. I can use JAVA MAIL API to write mail message for specific users
>as per the logic in java scripts. I am stuck with how can invoke QMAIL so
>that, it delivers a load of 100 to 1000 mail receipents as a time.

Assuming the message to all recipients is identical, you could list
the recipients in a .qmail file and send the message once to the
controlling address. Or you could list them in the To/CC/BCC header
fields and inject via "sendmail -f".

>2. It may be possible to start executing some scripts or commands moment the
>specific mail address is received by QMAIL.

Sure, put the scripts/commands in a .qmail file.

>Sy [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the mail address will be used by application
>so that, moment it is received it will take the necessary values from mail
>content and will start application to update it as new bid value in purchase
>order database.
>So,qmail has to remove domain address part from email address of receipent
>and take the user name part i.e. alert-newpo. Start the action of say java
>Main.update_bidvalue_po.class script/program which will insert new value as
>per the mail only after confirming that, sender e-mail address is valid.
>Please can you help me with this kind of functionality that can be used
>using Qmail. I come to know that, it is possible in SENDMAIL using aliases
>but that is very combersome and I don't want to use sendmail just for that.

What you describe sounds like it'd be straightforward to accomplish
via a .qmail file, but I'd have to see a more concrete example to be


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