Just because showctl prints out all of my virtualdomains and rcpthosts and
qmail-send is logged under maillog on my system and it's full of tcpserver
stuff.  If you can give me something to yank out of the log that is of
interest to you I can grab it.  Same with showctl, I'm not sure what you
need from that but I can send whatever you want me to.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Slow Slow Mail Delivery, Not Trigger Permissions

> "Julian Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Ok, here's my configuration.  If anyone can tell me why I have slow mail
> >delivery, I checked the Trigger permissions and they are supposedly fine.
> >Any insight would be so greatly appreciated.
> >
> >Pentium III 550
> >256 Megs of Ram
> >FreeBSD 3.3
> >Rackspace.Com Network (Multiple OC3 - Peering on several backbones)
> >
> >Top reports the system as being 97.3% Idle.
> >Qmail-Qstat reports :
> >
> >Messages In Queue: 44
> >Message in Queue but notyet preprocessed: 0
> >
> >And the number does not drop too quickly.  In fact, it takes several
> >for mail to clear out.
> That's all good information, but I asked for:
> >> 1) hardware configuration
> >> 2) software configuration (OS, other apps)
> >> 3) network configuration
> >> 4) output of qmail-showctl, qmail-qstat, vmstat, iostat, top
> >> 5) tail of qmail-send log
> Why did you stop at #3?
> -Dave

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