Quoting Luis Bezerra ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Yesterday, when my international backbone goes down, my DNS goes down
> too because the named root servers are located in USA. And I suspect
> that exists one relationship between the problems.

Actually, not all the root name servers are in the US.  There is at
least one in England and one in Japan, and perhaps elsewhere.  I'm
pretty sure the GTLD servers (global top-level domain, i.e. .br, .uk,
etc.)  are geographically diverse as well, but I haven't the
motivation right now to find out :)

> anyone already worked with one problem like this?

I think Russ Nelson said it as well as it can be: Brazilian networks
probably should have a name server serving the root domains.
Otherwise, *everything* that relies on DNS has the potential to fail
if your international routing fails.  Your problem really has not a
thing to do with qmail specifically.


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