Redhat 6.1 Linux server, running qmail-1.03.

I ran:
./configure --enable-debug -enable-logfile --enable-x-header=yes
make install

I moved /usr/sbin/amavis to /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue and copied of the
original qmail-queue to qmail-queue-real.

Sent three test emails from Outlook. A plain text email, a plain test email
with an attached EICAR.COM, and a plain text email with an attached Excel
spreadsheet. The first one went though fine. The second one amavis caught
the EICAR.COM file and sent out two notification emails. One to virusalert
and the other to the sender of the email. No notification was sent to the
recipient. The last one with the Excel spreadsheet didn't go through at all.
It just hangs. Other people in the office were sending email to the server
as well and two others emails got stuck. I have attached the logs. The three
processes to look at are 11580, 11731, and 11739. All three of these
processes I had to kill. From the debug file I can see that the virus
scanners are working from the emails that went through, but on those three
processes that hang, it appears it they don't even reach the scanners. I
attached the smtp and qmail log files, as well as the debug and the
amavis.log files.

One other thing I noticed, is that even though I specified
the --enable-x-header=yes, no x-header is appended to the headers of scanned

I believe it is a problem with one of my perl modules, or even perl itself.
So I am debating whether or not to remove my entire perl installation and
start from scratch, or to try to figure out what is going wrong and where in
the current setup. Any help from you folks is greatly appreciated.

Jeremy Fowler





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