[Dan, please configure your mailer to wrap lines that are longer than
80 characters.]

"flitcraft33" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I ran the tai64local program against a copy of a log and got human
>time stamps. I followed the steps on the matchup and got as far as a
>file that had my log with a question mark on each line.

Show us:

  1) a sample line from your logs, untouched
  2) the same line passed through tai64nlocal
  3) a sample line from the output of matchup

>After that
>errors all around. the next instructions on the manpage follow
>          <log.1 matchup >out.1 5>pending.2
>          cat pending.2 log.2 | matchup >out.2 5>pending.3
>          cat pending.3 log.3 | matchup >out.3 5>pending.4
>Is this some kind of log rotation or what? What's the deal with 5> in
>the first line? What on earth does that do?

cyclog (and multilog) automatically rotates the logs, and some of the
transactions at the end of one file might not be completed until the
beginning of the next file. matchup outputs these incomplete--or
pending--entries to file descriptor 5.

>Is there a how-to or a kind soul who can explain step by step (with
>some expanations of what a given command is doing) for me. I would be
>glad to codify this for some kind of mini-how to or for inclusion
>with the scripts with the permission of the appropriate people.

There's not a good HOWTO for qmail-analog, and things are in something 
of a state of flux at the moment, so now's probably not the best time
to undertake writing one. qmail-analog depends upon timestamps in the
format used by cyclog, but cyclog has been superceded by multilog,
which uses a different timestamp format. There are utilities available 
that will convert the timestamps.


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