Install qmail as described in INSTALL.

        For each domain you want to receive mail for:

1) Put that domain name in /var/qmail/control/rctphosts

2) Put[w.x.y.z] in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes, where w.x.y.z
is the IP address of your internal exchange server.

3) Make sure that none of these domains are listed in
/var/qmail/control/locals, or the mail will not make it to Exchange.

4) If you will also send mail from the bastion host directly, modify
defaultdomain and defaulthost to your taste (man qmail-control will tell you
where to find more info on them).

        These steps will set up inbound relay for your domains; the internet
sends mail to qmail, and qmail forwards it all to Exchange.

        To allow Exchange to relay out through the machine,  follow the
selective relaying instructions at

        gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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