Brett Randall wrote:
> Set up an automatic revenge flood? Maybe not... :>
> It depends if it is mailing lists or spam. First start by unsubscribing from
> REAL mailing lists. 

Then the mailing-list admins will never learn to use authenticating managers.


Mailing lists, I say bounce it, definately. ezmlm will simply auto-unsub you, 
but other, non-authenicating mailing lists will get the spam.  Let the mailing 
list admins unsub you - after all, it's their unsecure lists that allowed 
this to happen.

As for the spammers, start using RBL,RSS, etc,etc,etc...

Also, if you're this user's ISP, don't you already have all of his info?  
Maybe you should threaten to post his credit card number (just kidding!!!)


P.s. Just a thought: Once you get rblsmtpd set up, you could write a script to 
scan for the first Recieved: line with an IP, add the sending IP to your own 
RBL-style domain.  Mail will pile up on the sending end without your
and without loading down your server (to recieve the mails and generate
Then, when it all dies down a bit, take the IPs out of the domain, and you're 
back to normal...

> If it is spam, change your domain name...I would
> personally sue the ex user for breaching your 'reasonable use policy' (what?
> you don't have one? doh!) or at least for ongoing damages since you are now
> virtually permanently committed to wasting bandwidth on unsolicited e-mails.
> Only other option is to refuse the e-mails (ie using common spam killing
> techniques) at the last relay before it is transferred over your link.
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Please can you help with advise about protecting my mail servers
> > from one of
> > my on ex users!! He/She has subscribed to about 30 mailing lists with the
> > address that falls under my mail service! I am now recieving
> > about 10 mails
> > a minute for that user! Removing the maildir and letting them
> > bounce is not
> > helping as I thought it would... any other suggestions??
> >
> > Slider
> >

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