Say you're having a problem with qmail, and you want to request help
from some people who might be able to help, and--at the same time--you
want to annoy the hell out of them. Here are a few tips:

1) Post the message multiple times. To be even more annoying, change
   the subject each time--or even the body. Slight rewordings and
   small additions are especially effective. Be sure not to mention
   the previous "editions" of your request.

2) Describe your problem in the most general terms possible. Something 
   like: "My qmail doesn't work. Why?" is a good start. If somebody
   else just asked that question, that's even better! (See #3) Under
   no circumstances should you include detailed error messages,
   message headers, log entries, qmail-showctl output, etc. OK,
   there's one exception to this rule: see #4.

3) Ask a FAQ. This is not as effective as the previous two techniques
   because most old timers automatically ignore FAQs.

4) If you do post details, be sure to alter them! Change domain names, 
   usernames, and UID's to something else. Try not to be
   obvious. Use your imagination! Have fun. And, of course, don't
   mention these little alterations.

5) Whine, insult, and/or threaten to use Sendmail instead of
   qmail. Don't let the fact that these people are providing free tech 
   support get in the way.

There are others, but these are easiest, most common, and most
effective techniques. I suggest printing off a copy and taping it next 
to your screen.


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