Slider writes:
 > I am trying to refuse mail from any address that starts with
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] The TO: address is fine although the FROM addresses are
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do not want to ban the WHOLE (in
 > BADMAILFROM) as there are legitimate users there mailing to my users! I just
 > want to ban all FROM addresses that start with "nobody"!

Well, badmailfrom lets you ban a single envelope sender (just put
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" into control/badmailfrom), but it doesn't let you
ban all envelope senders that start with "nobody".  You'd have to be a
little more clever about that, and when you do, it's going to have to
happen after the mail has made it through qmail-smtpd.  Or you can
grovel through looking for an appropriate anti-spam
patch.  You might find one in the shiny new, chrome-plated spam
prevention section of the site.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  | If you think 
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