first of all, to my understanding ASP is basically a server side evaluation of the file before transmittal to the client.  This isn't linked with any particular syntax besides possibly informing what language if other than default and the <% %> tokens.
I'm somewhat familiar with ASP, but I assume you're using VBScrip rather than JavaScript or PerlScript, as VBScript is the default ASP language.
One thing doesn't add up - ASP pages on non-windows web servers aren't something you see every day, and you want to call qmail-inject directly?  If the ASP page is on a windows server, then i don't see you calling qmail-inject.
If the server IS actually a qmail server as well, then, simply execute an external program indicating the proper input/output.  Its just a command line utility after all.  All the scripting languages I've learned do this easily.
You could do a similar task by using remote shell commands to get to the qmail server and run qmail-inject that way - some permission complications and configuration to do - good luck with that.
If the server ISN'T actually a qmail server, then I suspect you'll want to create an SMTP connection to the qmail server and deliver the message that way.  Use the supplied objects for your scripting language of choice that allow you to create SMTP connections.  I'm sure they're out there somewhere.  Its Net::SMTP in perl.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 8:32 PM
Subject: who to send mail from web

I want to send mail from web, the web is written  in asp. I want to send it through submit, and call qmail directly, but I don't know how to do it, can you help me?

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