We have just implemented a system virtually exactly like this. It took me
about three weeks to research, design, implement and test. I have been
planning on writing a HOWTO but life is just soooo hectic...

It implements a combination of qmail, fastforward, NIS, NFS, SMTP routing,
and all with a plan of maximum stability and minimum bandwidth. I do have a
fair bit of documentation on it that I've written up for the organisation,
since it is a fairly complex system to set up (but very easy to
maintain...the head of IT loves it!). It is called a REDES...a Reliable and
Efficient Distributed E-mail System, which is made for sharing mail for one
domain around a building, a city (this is what we do), a country, or the
entire globe (although with the latter two security can become an issue
:> ). It also supports the ability to forward other domains to their
relevant users in the case of changing domains from older ones in some

If you are interested in this, please let me know and I'll forward the doco
to you. AND if anybody else is interested in preparing a HOWTO for it,
please let me know (with reasons) and I'll consider it...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barry Smoke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 3:22 AM
> Subject: qmail domain heiarchy
> I am the network administrator for a public school system in ARkansas.....
> We have just implemented a single qmail mail server for the
> district....which consists of 8 schools, on 5 different site
> locations.  our
> 4 remote elementary schools have 384K dedicated internet
> connections....and
> our main campus has a t-1, that feeds 4 schools plus administration.
> The new mail system was put on a single domain on an ip for the
> main campus.
> The 4 remote elementaries have different ip numbers/subnet masks....
> when their internet connection is out....which happens often, I would like
> for local e-mail delivery to still work, while all remote messages are put
> in que.   when the connection comes up, messages are
> sent....transparently.
> i would like to do this without running other domains....
> Each remote site...(and the main campus for that matter) is connected to a
> transparent masquerading proxy (firewall) server....is this
> possible...maybe
> with port forwarding....firewall rules...runing a qmail server on
> each local
> proxy?
> I don't have a clue where to start with this.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Barry Smoke
> Network Administrator
> Bryant Public Schools

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