qmail Digest 21 Aug 2000 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 1099

Topics (messages 47042 through 47070):

Re: why they reject my mail
        47042 by: Alexander Jernejcic
        47045 by: Ricardo Cerqueira
        47049 by: Scott D. Yelich

qmail and MRTG
        47043 by: pgracia.amira.es
        47046 by: Magnus Bodin
        47048 by: Sean C Truman
        47069 by: pgracia.amira.es

Cluster Was logselect
        47044 by: Sean C Truman

urgetnt help !!!!!!!!!
        47047 by: prashant

Re: Queue Time
        47050 by: richard.illuin.org

Re: Linux Mandrake qmail packages available
        47051 by: Vincent Danen
        47062 by: Gerrit Pape

php maildir support
        47052 by: Thilo Bangert

        47053 by: jme

assign problem
        47054 by: Clemens Hermann
        47070 by: Andrew Richards

qmail uses FQDN when sending from PHP
        47055 by: J!M
        47056 by: Alexander Pennace
        47058 by: J!M

newbie maildir question
        47057 by: J!M
        47059 by: Charles Warwick
        47060 by: Ben Beuchler

urgent help required
        47061 by: reach_prashant.zeenext.com

RFC2487 TLS authenticated SMTP relay
        47063 by: Jamie Heilman
        47064 by: Krzysztof Dabrowski
        47065 by: Jamie Heilman

very urgent help required
        47066 by: reach_prashant.zeenext.com

friends very urgent help required
        47067 by: reach_prashant.zeenext.com
        47068 by: Brett Randall


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some MTA's check the ip of the sending MTA against the name with a reverse lookup. 
IMHO you should send your mails via the MTA of
you ISP. just put the following line into ~/qmail/control/smtproutes
and qmail will happily send all mails to the mailserver of your isp. this one should 
be known worldwide.

hope that helps
:) alexander

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 10:30 PM
> Subject: why they reject my mail
> Hi
> Sometimes when I send mail to different people a few messages
> are coming back to me as not sent. The reason is I guess everytime
> the same (although the qmail's messages differ a little bit).
> And these qmail's notes are like these two:
> Connected to xxx.xx.xx.xx but sender was rejected. Remote host said:
> 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... Sender domain must exist.
> Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx but sender was rejected. Remote host said:
> 553 5.4.3 Policy analysis reports DNS error with your source domain.
> I do not understand this. Most of my messages is posted without any
> problems. Always I edit mail in mutt and I use option "edit headers"
> to be able to send e-mails to for example this list. I do not have
> my own domain name because I connect to internet via modem and rather
> seldom. So how is it possible that some hosts know my real FQDN
> (although I edit headers of my all messages) and why they reject
> my e-mails? And others do not do it - why? And maybe some of you
> know what can I do to fix this problem with domain name.
> Thank you for help,
> qba

It seems to be a problem with your MTA. From the headers of your mail:

Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: (qmail 23709 invoked from network); 20 Aug 2000 09:55:19 -0000
Received: from pa34.legnica.ppp.tpnet.pl (HELO localhost.localdomain) 

Your host is identifying itself as localhost.localdomain.


On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 12:22:26PM +0200, Alexander Jernejcic wrote:
> hi,
> some MTA's check the ip of the sending MTA against the name with a reverse lookup. 
>IMHO you should send your mails via the MTA of
> you ISP. just put the following line into ~/qmail/control/smtproutes
> :mailserver.your.isp
> and qmail will happily send all mails to the mailserver of your isp. this one should 
>be known worldwide.
> hope that helps
> :) alexander
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 10:30 PM
> > Subject: why they reject my mail
> >
> >
> > Hi
> > Sometimes when I send mail to different people a few messages
> > are coming back to me as not sent. The reason is I guess everytime
> > the same (although the qmail's messages differ a little bit).
> > And these qmail's notes are like these two:
> > Connected to xxx.xx.xx.xx but sender was rejected. Remote host said:
> > 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... Sender domain must exist.
> > Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx but sender was rejected. Remote host said:
> > 553 5.4.3 Policy analysis reports DNS error with your source domain.
> > I do not understand this. Most of my messages is posted without any
> > problems. Always I edit mail in mutt and I use option "edit headers"
> > to be able to send e-mails to for example this list. I do not have
> > my own domain name because I connect to internet via modem and rather
> > seldom. So how is it possible that some hosts know my real FQDN
> > (although I edit headers of my all messages) and why they reject
> > my e-mails? And others do not do it - why? And maybe some of you
> > know what can I do to fix this problem with domain name.
> > Thank you for help,
> > qba
> >
> >

| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 21 3166700 (24h/dia) - Fax: +351 21 3166701

PGP signature

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> Sometimes when I send mail to different people a few messages
> are coming back to me as not sent. The reason is I guess everytime
> the same (although the qmail's messages differ a little bit).
> And these qmail's notes are like these two:
> Connected to xxx.xx.xx.xx but sender was rejected. Remote host said:
> 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... Sender domain must exist.
> Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx but sender was rejected. Remote host said:
> 553 5.4.3 Policy analysis reports DNS error with your source domain.
> I do not understand this. Most of my messages is posted without any
> problems. Always I edit mail in mutt and I use option "edit headers"
> to be able to send e-mails to for example this list. I do not have
> my own domain name because I connect to internet via modem and rather
> seldom. So how is it possible that some hosts know my real FQDN
> (although I edit headers of my all messages) and why they reject
> my e-mails? And others do not do it - why? And maybe some of you
> know what can I do to fix this problem with domain name.
> Thank you for help,
> qba

I've sent two emails to the same place... and had one come back 
with this error and the other make it through.  Now, although I
can't say 100% that it was the first that came back and the
second that got through, one would think that would be the only
way a mail should fail like that.

I want to say that the first made it and the second failed...



        I'm using a couple scripts that should push qmail logs into MRTG but I am having no luck. All I got is 0 0 all the time. One of the scripts is from prodigysolutions and the other from x42.com. Anyway the only working part I have is the queue size but nothing else works. I use cyclog. Anyone can help me please?
Paco Gracia
Technical Director
Amira Sistemas

On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 01:54:24PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
>         I'm using a couple scripts that should push qmail logs into MRTG 
> but I am having no luck. All I got is 0 0 all the time. One of the scripts 
> is from prodigysolutions and the other from x42.com. Anyway the only 
> working part I have is the queue size but nothing else works. I use 
> cyclog. Anyone can help me please?

The one present at http://x42.com/qmail/
are still only for cyclog so you should definitively have a chance. 

Does the script run from crontab have reading rights? 



This runs off multilog. Use multilog. it comes with daemontools.
Sean Truman
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 7:54 AM
Subject: qmail and MRTG


        I'm using a couple scripts that should push qmail logs into MRTG but I am having no luck. All I got is 0 0 all the time. One of the scripts is from prodigysolutions and the other from x42.com. Anyway the only working part I have is the queue size but nothing else works. I use cyclog. Anyone can help me please?
Paco Gracia
Technical Director
Amira Sistemas

>The one present at http://x42.com/qmail/
>are still only for cyclog so you should definitively have a chance.
>Does the script run from crontab have reading rights?

        The mail logs are owned by qmaill user. I ran the script from qmaill and also from root with no luck at all. Even when I use the command line "qmail-mrtg-concurrency /var/log/qmail" I got 0 0.

This is how cyclog is invoked...

  502 ?        S      0:00 supervise /var/lock/qmail qmail-start ./Maildir/ accustamp qmail
  503 ?        S      0:00 cyclog -s 1000000 -n 10 /var/log/qmail

Any idea?

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Hey russell,

     We have serveral customer running 300+nodes web farms. Every node is
attached to a central file system (Some runing HP - XP256) For reporting We
just run a cron that parse's the log files and inserts a row into a oracle
table.  then our customers run whatever report wizard they want.

Sean Truman

----- Original Message -----
From: Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: logselect

> Ben Beuchler writes:
>  > On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 11:45:58PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
>  >
>  > > I've released my logselect program as a patch to daemontools-0.70.
>  >
>  > I'm sorry if this seems like a silly question, but what is the intended
>  > uuse for this program?  Remote log retrieval?
> Yes.  I've got four customers on support contracts with clustered SMTP
> servers who need/want better reporting.  Need to get the log files
> over to another machine.  Could use ssh, but it's better (more secure)
> to run a program which just transfers log file entries.
> --
> -russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com  | If you think
> Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | health care is expensive
> 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | now, wait until you see
> Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | what it costs when it's

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 8:08 AM
Subject: patching qmail with multiple patches

>   hello friends
>   i am trying to apply following patches on qmail-1.03 , but not able to
> apply all those
>   1> qmail-bounce.patch
>   2> qmail-ldap-20000601.patch
>   3> patching dns.c  with appropriate patch
>   4> qmail-big-concurrency.patch
>   5> qmail-big-todo. patch
>     is there any one who had applied all these patches on qmail-1.03 , if
> so , then please guide me in which sequence  i have to apply these patches
> , i have tried many permutations and combinations for applying these
> patches but  its not happening for me ,
>  it gives (after patching qmail-with 2-3 patches) already applies, want to
> recurse  "-R"  etc , i dont know the exact messages but it was similliar
> these
>  thanks
>  Prashant Desai

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well spotted Richard.
> I haven't looked at this particular paper, but one of the benefits of all
> the ATM development work that the Telcos have done over the last 5 or so
> years is the intense focus on scheduling algorithms with an emphasis
> on fairness and optimal resource usage (oh, and charging for every
> packet at every QOS level). Admittedly it tends to be for very short
> lived queues (such as cell queues in an ATM switch), but if you're into
> reasonably heavy mathematics then this area is rich in related reading
> material. Personally I only recommend it for insomniacs...

an interesting point, below are my comments on where the differences
betwen the models might lead to problems in appying the theories acorss
the technologies

(In a previous job I built large campus networks based upon X.25,
ethernet, fddi and ATM; as well as mail systems based upon greybook mail,
X.400, cc:mail and SMTP)

Queue numbers
In an ATM network devices only have a finite number of known destination
(next hop) devices whose ststus they have to be concerened about when
determing the queue behavior.r

Open email routers (like postfix and qmail) (based on SMTP and the DNS)
have a practically infinite targets (destination addresses) and the number
of them is unknown. However in comparison to the others below they have
the higest performance as they avoid modifying the contents of the
message. The number of queues will be most unlike that of an ATM device.

If one considers a closed mail system with similar characteristics to the
TAM model such as cc:Mail where the post-offices are connected by cc:Mail
routers with a known number of other post-offices as targets (routing to
the Internet is handled like another post-office with a gateway from the
closed to the open system) then each router might be considered to behave
like an ATM switch, however in this system the routers can only implement
round-robin serving of the queues based upon alphabetical sorting of the
target post-office names and so the QoS is frankly appalling. (if you have a
workgroup where people most often communicate within a post-office this
is okay, but for cross-postoffice workgroups it just doesn't work)

Multi-protocol mail routers like PP provides are rich in gateway
functionality, but the performance of these systems is really horrible as
they have to cope with all of the transformations necessary to move data
between protocols. In PP's case the generic configuration converted
generally (as one might expect) but judiciously tweaking the configuration
it was possible to stop it reformatting headers and body parts where not
necessary. there were internal queues where a message was queued for
reforatting, first of the header and then the body, for delivery, and
finally for deletion. The overhead of the ISO ROSE layer for IPC really
did kill its performance, and the number of sycronous directory writes did
not help either

Discard of messages
For data applications (ie not voice ot video) the AAL's expect there to be
some overlying network prorocol such as IP or ethernet which will retry
the sending of data if they run out of queueing resources. (if the ATM
device decides to discard a cell within a higher layer data frame then it
can determine which are the following cells, and so discard the rest of
the frame alleviating congestion without affecting more frames than ar

In the case of mail messages we rarely see large binary attachments split
across multiple mail messages which have to be manually reassembled. It is
generally considered VERY BAD for a mail system to loose or purposefully
discard a message to alleviate congestion.

Blocking architecture
Finally, almost all ATM switches operate with non-blocking routing
architectures. conversely mail systems work by receiving a message into a
queue, and then effectively blocking until the message is pulled up out of
the queue (think q-smtp -> q-queue <block> -> q-send -> q-rspawn ->
q-remote) rather than doing something like

       q-smtp ------------->  q-remote        
             \                 \ failure
              -> q-queue      q-send -> q-rspawn  
so if the destination MTA is available the message is forwarded
immediately (and written into the queue) so the routing of messages
through a gateway to internal systems is very fast, but if the remote MTA
is down (or goes down) then the message is written into the queue for
qmail-send to retry later. I think this is where some hard performwance
gains will be made in the next generation of mail routing systems after
qmail and postfix. 

to prove the block exists where I say it does, remove the trigger file
from the qmail queue directory and see the performance of the system
plummet as the trigger mechanism for the queue notifying qmail-send there
is work to do in the queue fails.

You know that. I know that. But when  ||  Austin, Texas
you talk to a monkey you have to      ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grunt and wave your arms          -ck ||

On Sun Aug 20, 2000 at 12:20:51AM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:

>  > Please, when testing, make sure they comply with
>  > http://cr.yp.to/qmail/dist.html and
>  > http://cr.yp.to/qmail/var-qmail.html.  This is the only way they will
>  > be approved by DJB, so if there are any discrepencies, please let me
>  > know.
> As far as I know, Dan is giving you permission, not conditions for his
> approval.  You *already* have his permission to distribute the binary
> releases, as long as you abide by the restrictions he imposes.

Well, if that's the case, that's awesome news!  I thought it was
necessary to get his direct "yes you can distribute it" permission
prior to doing so...  for myself, I'm not too concerned because I've
tested and re-tested so that it installs good, removes clean, and works
out of the box.  My concern was putting it on the Mandrake distro
itself as I don't want them to get into any legal issues...

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
// Danen Consulting Services    www.danen.net, www.freezer-burn.org
// MandrakeSoft, Inc.           www.linux-mandrake.com
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD

Current Linux uptime: 1 day 4 hours 17 minutes.

On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 10:21:53AM -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
> change (once I get DJB's blessing I hope!).  The following packages are
> part of the package:
> qmail-1.03-7mdk.i386.rpm
> daemontools-0.70-3mdk.i386.rpm
> dot-forward-0.51-2mdk.i386.rpm
> fastforward-0.51-2mdk.i386.rpm
> ucspi-tcp-0.88-3mdk.i386.rpm
Hello Vincent,

I did not look at Your packages yet, but three things:

o http://cr.yp.to/qmail/var-qmail.html says:
  > A var-qmail package does not set up qmail to receive and deliver mail. A
  > user has to follow the instructions in
  > /var/qmail/doc/fastforward/ALIASES and in /var/qmail/doc/INSTALL starting at
  > step 9:
  I do not see a qmail-run rpm, it seems, the qmail-packages sets up qmail
  as MTA.
o You included man-pages in daemontools and ucspi-tcp packages. Put them in
  extra packages.
o there allready are qmail rpms?

                                                         innominate AG
                                                     networking people
tel: +49.30.308806-0  fax: -77                    http://innominate.de

is there someone who has started to implement a php webmail solution for
I know of oMail which uses perl and sqwebmail which is in c.

I'm running qmail and vpopmail, and when i add a user to the system using
vadduser (from command line) it updates the following files:


and everything works fine. users can login, send/recieve email ok.
i paid inter7.com to write me a signup script so users could signup online
and when this script is run it only updates:


and does not update the /var/qmail/users/assign and cdb files:

is there something i can put in the assign file to make it look to 
/home/vpopmail/users/vpasswd and cdb?  are these files suppose to be
updated when using vpopmail? or is there something wrong with the signup
script or my config? 

When these files are not updated the signup script adds the user, they can
login and send mail but cant recieve email, sender get a error message
saying "Sorry.. No such mailbox"



I have been working on a strange qmail-assign Problem the whole night and
hope someone can help me ;-)

qmail runs and works fine

all lines in qmail/control/virtualdomains are like this:


my problem is located in the /qmail/users/assign file


works perfect. any mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets delivered to the home
directory specified in /users/assign.
but when I want to split the mailstream to different users and specify
mailadresses (info for example) as follows nothing works.


the only difference between those to "versions" is the + or = at the
beginning of the line and the "-info" existing or not!

I want to get all mails adressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] being delivered to
info's home dir.
when I use


it works, but then I can append whatever I want to inf
([EMAIL PROTECTED])and this is for sure not the way I am expected to
solve the problem (am I?)

I updated the database after any changes.
there is no error in syslog, I get no undelivery message but the message is
not delivered to the users Maildir.
I specified different users for the "real" (=not virtual) domain of my host
and everything works perfect. I have 4 users and anyone gets his mail as
expected in his distinct mailbox.
But with the virtual domains only a "evberything to one user" methode works.

thanks for your help



I think the answer to your problem is to change the line in
your users/assign,




I'm not completely sure, however... (over to the people
who *really* understand users/assign...)


From:   Clemens Hermann[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   21 August 2000 04:14
To:     Qmail Mailinglist
Subject:        assign problem


I have been working on a strange qmail-assign Problem the whole night and
hope someone can help me ;-)

qmail runs and works fine

all lines in qmail/control/virtualdomains are like this:


my problem is located in the /qmail/users/assign file


works perfect. any mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets delivered to the home
directory specified in /users/assign.
but when I want to split the mailstream to different users and specify
mailadresses (info for example) as follows nothing works.


the only difference between those to "versions" is the + or = at the
beginning of the line and the "-info" existing or not!

I want to get all mails adressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] being delivered to
info's home dir.
when I use


it works, but then I can append whatever I want to inf
([EMAIL PROTECTED])and this is for sure not the way I am expected to
solve the problem (am I?)

I updated the database after any changes.
there is no error in syslog, I get no undelivery message but the message is
not delivered to the users Maildir.
I specified different users for the "real" (=not virtual) domain of my host
and everything works perfect. I have 4 users and anyone gets his mail as
expected in his distinct mailbox.
But with the virtual domains only a "evberything to one user" methode works.

thanks for your help


Hello all,

I'm setting up qmail as my smtp server to use with PHP. When I 
create an email using PHP, even when I specify a From header as 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], the message is sent with the From 
header reading [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 
server.bar.com being the FQDN of my server. I have foo.com listed 
in my rcpthosts file and have restarted qmail. Apparently, I need to 
do something else as well. How do I get qmail to use the address I 
specify, rather than replacing it with the FQDN?

Any help is appreciated.

On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 08:24:15PM +0000, J!M wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm setting up qmail as my smtp server to use with PHP. When I 
> create an email using PHP, even when I specify a From header as 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], the message is sent with the From 
> header reading [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 
> server.bar.com being the FQDN of my server. I have foo.com listed 
> in my rcpthosts file and have restarted qmail. Apparently, I need to 
> do something else as well. How do I get qmail to use the address I 
> specify, rather than replacing it with the FQDN?

What are you using to inject messages with, SMTP, the sendmail
wrapper, or qmail-inject? And what exactly is being rewritten, the
message from header or the envelope sender?

If you are using SMTP or the sendmail wrapper, consider calling
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject directly. As discussed in man
qmail-inject, it will normally preserve the message from header and
set the envelope sender to what is in the return-path header.

PGP signature

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for the help. I am using qmail-inject, I think, and am 
sending the message through the vanilla PHP mail(); function. 
qmail is rewriting the From header and the ReplyTo header that I 
specify in the PHP script.

I believe  that I deleted all sendmail components when installing 

I see that the qmail-inject man page lists several switches that can 
be used to control its behavior, but I have no clue as to how to set 
these on a per message basis, or as a default. After reading the 
man page, I added a Sender header to the message. It too, was 
rewritten by qmail to preserve the user name, but replaced the 
virtual domain name with the server's FQDN.

Here are the headers from my most recent test:

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Delivered-To: pop1815485@mail-10
Received: from samurai.dynamisys-llc.com (dsl-64-32-42-
253.dsl.ez2.net [] (may be forged))
        by mail.9netave.com (8.9.3/8.8.8) with SMTP id XAA43457
        for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 20 Aug 2000 23:51:28 -
0400 (EDT)
Received: (qmail 16495 invoked by uid 99); 21 Aug 2000 03:50:28 -
Date: 21 Aug 2000 03:50:28 -0000
Subject: the subject
X-PMFLAGS: 33554560 0 1 P26BC0.CNM

Here is a test of the PHP email system.

******************** End example *****************

In the original message, the From, ReplyTo, and Sender messages 
should contain margecares.com, rather than samurai.dynamisys-

Any ideas?


> What are you using to inject messages with, SMTP, the sendmail
> wrapper, or qmail-inject? And what exactly is being rewritten, the
> message from header or the envelope sender?
> If you are using SMTP or the sendmail wrapper, consider calling
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject directly. As discussed in man
> qmail-inject, it will normally preserve the message from header and
> set the envelope sender to what is in the return-path header.

Hi all,

I selected qmail as my mailserver after readiung that it would easily 
support multiple virtual domains using it's maildir directory system, 
rather than relying on system users for its delivery. I am setting up 
a server which will only need to send from my PHP webserver. and 
a limited number of addresses, yet need to receive mail for 
hundreds of clients (they all send through their dial-ujp provider). I 
want to make account creation and maintenance as painless and 
quick as possible, most likely through a PHP script, which seems 
easy enough by exec-ing out to the users utility, however I'm a little 

What is the specific syntax of the Users file? Can I add the 
VirtualDomain name as part of the user ID? 
Would I be able to create a single qmail user in a qmail group that 
all message processes run under?

It is really important to me that I be able to have identical user 
names across domains (for instance, all domains I host have an 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address), and that setting up new users be 
as painless as possible.

I'm sure there are resources out there that explain what I am doing, 
but have yet to discover them. If anyone can nudge me in the right 
direction, I would be greatly appreciative.


Check out the VMailMgr program at www.vmailmgr.org.  It gives you the
capability to add users to virtual domains, and pop the accounts, with the
same username across several domains.  It also has PHP library support :)


Charles Warwick
(System Administrator - DoveNetQ)

-----Original Message-----
From: J!M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 6:40 AM
Subject: newbie maildir question

Hi all,

I selected qmail as my mailserver after readiung that it would easily 
support multiple virtual domains using it's maildir directory system, 
rather than relying on system users for its delivery. I am setting up 
a server which will only need to send from my PHP webserver. and 
a limited number of addresses, yet need to receive mail for 
hundreds of clients (they all send through their dial-ujp provider). I 
want to make account creation and maintenance as painless and 
quick as possible, most likely through a PHP script, which seems 
easy enough by exec-ing out to the users utility, however I'm a little 

What is the specific syntax of the Users file? Can I add the 
VirtualDomain name as part of the user ID? 
Would I be able to create a single qmail user in a qmail group that 
all message processes run under?

It is really important to me that I be able to have identical user 
names across domains (for instance, all domains I host have an 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address), and that setting up new users be 
as painless as possible.

I'm sure there are resources out there that explain what I am doing, 
but have yet to discover them. If anyone can nudge me in the right 
direction, I would be greatly appreciative.


On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 08:40:01PM +0000, J!M wrote:

> It is really important to me that I be able to have identical user 
> names across domains (for instance, all domains I host have an 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] address), and that setting up new users be 
> as painless as possible.

Look into vpopmail w/ qmailadmin.  It has all the functionality you're
looking for already debugged and ready to go.



Ben Beuchler                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MAILER-DAEMON                                         (612) 321-9290 x101
Bitstream Underground                                   www.bitstream.net

   hello friends 

   i am running qmail-1.03 applied qmail-ldap-2000601.patch , 

i have only single domain , with around 200,000 users , now i want that
mails for : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  will gets forwaded to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 i have specified this in ldap  mailforwarding attribute , but log shows no
mailbox by that name , do i need some entry in my ldap which matches this
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail address ,  i already have entry for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with mailforwarding address as usererver1.domain, 

  what i wanna achive is once mails accepted by my single mail server which
i have specified in MX , then this mail server should forward 
mails  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to host [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  depending users ldap entries  ,and store the
message there in "Maildir" for this perticular user 

  how can i achive , or is there any other work around , please reply me as
early as possible 

Prashant Desai


So I applied the RFC2487 patch from Frederik Vermeulen, and it works really
well from what testing I've done at allowing SSL tunnels between MTAs.  I
haven't had any problems with that functionality.  Now I'm trying to use
the client authentication aspect of the patch to provide for authenticated
relaying.  The good news is that it works great with Netscape Communicator.
The bad news is that I can't make Outlook Express work at all.  The really
bad news is that I /need/ Outlook Express to work.

For starters, if there's interest I could probably be persuaded to write up
a HOWTO on how I got all this configured and [mostly] working.

But for now here's my setup and the problem I'm running into:

Let me start by saying that my goals here do not include digital signatures
on my outgoing mail for verification purposes.  All I wanted to do was to
open my relay to roaming users who are forced to work under ISPs that
enforce (IMO) draconian From header policies.  (I understand their arguments,
but *I* wouldn't pay for that kind of service.)  I don't really like the
POP before SMTP concept, its not that it wouldn't work for me, its just
that using TLS seemed so much cooler.  I haven't tried the "Authenticated"
SMTP patches, I get the feeling that those methods aren't really standards
drivin. (anyone?)  So that being said ...

I've managed to cook myself up my own CA.  I added this cert to Netscape's
and IE's known root authorities.  I then proceeded to cook up a self signed
cert for qmail.  No probs there, infact I can send mail over SSL from my
private network which is allowed to relay through my masquerading
firewall/mail server.  So then I added my CA's cert to
control/clientca.pem, I figure as I only want people I've OK'd to relay
through me the only CA I'll verify is my own.  I added my email address to
control/tlsclients as per directions from Fredrik's patch.  Next I cooked
up a personal cert for me (signed by my CA), converted it to pkcs#12, and
installed it into Netscape's personal cert db, then into IE's.  "Simple"

Next I tried to send a message from each client.  Navigator pops up this
quaint little window that says "The site 'audible.transient.net' has
requested a client authentication."  Then it lets you inspect the server's
cert, choose a client cert of your own, and continue or cancel.  Pretty
slick...  it'd be nice if it didn't ask me which cert to use every time I
sent a message, but then seeing as it actually works I'm not going to
complain too loudly.  The message gets relayed correctly, the headers
include information about the encryption and relay user exactly like
Frederik said they would.  Outlook Express (5.50.4133.2400) however just craps
itself with the following:

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Subject 'microsoft sucks', Account: 'testing', Server:
'audible.transient.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Error
Number: 0x800CCC0F

The error number (from the M$ knowledge base) is like "connection closed"
or something like that.  When I turn on Outlooks SMTP logging I see:

SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 220 audible.transient.net ESMTP
SMTP: 07:08:39 [tx] EHLO stinkfoot
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 250-audible.transient.net
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 250-PIPELINING
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 250-STARTTLS
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 250 8BITMIME
SMTP: 07:08:39 [tx] STARTTLS
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 220 ready for tls
SMTP: 07:08:39 [tx] HELO stinkfoot
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 250 audible.transient.net
SMTP: 07:08:39 [rx] 250 ok
SMTP: 07:08:39 [tx] RCPT TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And thats it.  Thats the last thing in the log, which makes me think that
perhaps Outlook Express just can't handle the client cert negotiation and
bombs out?  I don't really know.  Seeing as its all encrypted by that point
I can't really sniff the wire.

So the question of the day - has anyone else run into this, and more
importantly figured out a way around it?  Frankly I think TLS authenticated
relays would be an incredibly snazzy way to handle roaming users, if only I
could make it work with the mail clients that would be using it!

Jamie Heilman                               http://wcug.wwu.edu/~jamie/
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
                                                        -John Logue

>that using TLS seemed so much cooler.  I haven't tried the "Authenticated"
>SMTP patches, I get the feeling that those methods aren't really standards
>drivin. (anyone?)  So that being said ...

they are :) SMTP AUTH is documented in ESMTP RFC (forgot the number).


Krzysztof Dabrowski wrote:

> they are :) SMTP AUTH is documented in ESMTP RFC (forgot the number).

Ah, well TLS still has a higher "swank factor". ;)
Though maybe if none of this works out due to client bugs I can go that
route assuming the auth handshake happens after switching to TLS.  (Which I
can't imagine why it wouldn't, though I wonder if I can enforce that.)
I think I'll go scrounge that rfc up.  Mmmm, 2554.  All praise Magnus and
rfc.x42.com. ;)

Jamie Heilman                               http://wcug.wwu.edu/~jamie/
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 2:05:00 AST
Subject: urgent help required

   hello friends 

   i am running qmail-1.03 applied qmail-ldap-2000601.patch , 

i have only single domain , with around 200,000 users , now i want that
mails for : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  will gets forwaded to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 i have specified this in ldap  mailforwarding attribute , but log shows no

mailbox by that name , do i need some entry in my ldap which matches this
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail address ,  i already have entry for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with mailforwarding address as usererver1.domain, 

  what i wanna achive is once mails accepted by my single mail server which

i have specified in MX , then this mail server should forward 
mails  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to host [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  depending users ldap entries  ,and store the
message there in "Maildir" for this perticular user 

  how can i achive , or is there any other work around , please reply me as

early as possible 

Prashant Desai


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 4:32:24 AST
Subject: very urgent help required

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 2:05:00 AST
Subject: urgent help required

   hello friends 

   i am running qmail-1.03 applied qmail-ldap-2000601.patch , 

i have only single domain , with around 200,000 users , now i want that
mails for : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  will gets forwaded to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 i have specified this in ldap  mailforwarding attribute , but log shows no

mailbox by that name , do i need some entry in my ldap which matches this
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail address ,  i already have entry for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with mailforwarding address as usererver1.domain, 

  what i wanna achive is once mails accepted by my single mail server which

i have specified in MX , then this mail server should forward 
mails  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to host [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  depending users ldap entries  ,and store the
message there in "Maildir" for this perticular user 

  how can i achive , or is there any other work around , please reply me as

early as possible 

Prashant Desai


OK I will reply but the reason noone else has ie largely because of the time
in most of the world at the moment, and the fact that you included virtually
NO configuration information (eg what is in virtualdomains, locals,
rcpthosts, sample LDAP entry, sample users/assign entry...all of these help
out somewhat).

BEST way of doing this as far as I can see (I have never used LDAP, only NIS
which IMHO is a little easier to understand and implement, albeit insecure
by default) is to not even have those system users on your main server. Have
aliases (either use .qmail-user files or fastforward) forward to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and MAKE SURE that server.domain.com is NOT listed
in locals, and IS listed in rcpthosts (you need to receive for that domain
so you can relay it, but if it is in locals then you will get that error
described below where it says mailbox not found).

Also - qmail will probably do an MX lookup on server.domain.com to see where
to deliver mail to (depends how you've set qmail up). If it does, then you
will need an 'A' entry in your DNS to point to server.domain.com as the MX
record for server.domain.com. Otherwise just set up qmail to send using FQDN
(sorry, I can't remember how...It is in one of the FAQs or HOWTOs or docs on

Good luck, please type slower next time, and if possible (I don't mean any
offense), a little more practise at english would help us all out to help


InterPlanetary Solutions

>    hello friends
>    i am running qmail-1.03 applied qmail-ldap-2000601.patch ,
> i have only single domain , with around 200,000 users , now i want that
> mails for : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  will gets forwaded to
>  ,
>  i have specified this in ldap        mailforwarding attribute ,
> but log shows no
> mailbox by that name , do i need some entry in my ldap which matches this
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail address ,        i already have entry for
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with mailforwarding address as usererver1.domain,
>   what i wanna achive is once mails accepted by my single mail
> server which
> i have specified in MX , then this mail server should forward
> mails  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to host [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  depending users ldap entries
> ,and store the
> message there in "Maildir" for this perticular user
>   how can i achive , or is there any other work around , please
> reply me as
> early as possible
>  thanks
> Prashant Desai

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